Early stage Mag deficiency?

:doh: pardon the delay, this one slipped by,...! Djibra that 1 tsp, not tbsp- :rofl: ... do you have a mild soap, like castille? -- that will serve, otherwise you can still foliar spray, it just won't be as effective; occasional misting with fresh water to re-dilute will help more get in, just be sure all's dry by lights out, and when you do spray, keep her out of direct intense HID/LED light to avoid potential burning,... sure, it can be mixed with nutes, but I like to use it with just water, less other ions competing for uptake!

-- yup, a little worse before better! it take a couple-few days for it to get in there and start 'fixing",... :greenthumb:great to hear it's halted, a good sign!