New Grower DWC, Led, First time grow (3x Think Different)

how many watts of air do you pump into the water? the plant will blow up now! enjoy!
Hey oldster, thanks for the advice! My tap water has about 200 ppm my nutrient solution has about 370 ppm. Do you substract the ppm of the tap water from your nutrient solution ppm to get the real reading? If so i think i underfed my ladys. I thought about getting one of these RO units from ebay, they are pretty cheap just 40€, i dont know if its worth it tho.
Tomorrow i´ll post some more pics of the plants! Furthermore is there a good way to tell if your plants are needing more nutes or less? Since one of them has a slightly more pale green on the new developed leaves and the other one has brown stains on the older leaves.
When you use tap water, you add the ppms to the total. Reason being a good portion on the water's ppm content is calcium and magnesium. 200 ppms is a bit high. Keep an eye in your plants, sometimes your tap water is toxic to your plants, I learned that the hard way.. I went with RO water filtration and it is well worth it.
Hi Nonfiction, you are growing in coco and faquarl is hydro. Just read through your journal and it looks like folks have been giving you good advice but you never answered the pH question. You need to relax and focus on advice in your own journal or your just going to continue to chase your tail with our own grow.

Not saying that you should not read and increase your knowledge but you really need to relax and let your plants do their thing.

Faquarl, sorry for the temporary highjack, your plants are looking good and Pop knows is hydro
Shit one led driver failed, now i have just 100watt :(
I ordered a new one but it will take some time to be delivered to me. I hope this wont effect the grow too much.
Im pretty impressed by the leds so far tho, i think i will add a few more.

I just ordered two cree cxa3070, this will give my grow 250watt in total, is this enough for my cabinet? Would it make sense to add even more lights?

Looking at the size of that cab, 250 watts of LED should be plenty!
Hi Faquarl, can't see the photos for some reason. I'll check back later to see if it just me or others have the same issue. I can see the photos you posted on 11-23, did you post these differently?
Can anyone help me decide if i should by some cal/mg? And since the start the leaves arent really standing up, which i would guess is over or underwatering but im using dwc, this left me puzzled.
why dont you move this thread to the dutch passion forum they even have A think different thread of its own