New Grower Dwarf Low Flyer - 2nd Grow

Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Game Changer
Started my first grow and plant grew very short and bonsai like -- Have a 4' x 18" x 13" stealth box that came with a Mars Hydro 300w LED from Unique Hyroponics -- ditched the DWC system that it came with and went with a 3 gal FFOF soil set up pics are from first grow. Gave it too many GH nutes cause I was a noob and didnt flush properly. The smoke works but is real coughy and crackles cause of residual nutes but works.


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Here is my second attempt -- clearly a different pheno? node spacing is way different and she is taking off! This is four weeks from sprout and looking like the genetics should - I think. FFOF with zero feeding the first month and I kept the light as high as I could within the box -- think the PAR will be fine.
Others have said the FoxFarms soil can be a little hot. Your second grow is looking better and by raising your light allowed some stretch. May this grow have some good vibes :vibe: My first grow didn't go over well either. I had mini bonsai's but had a few buds to smoke.
Others have said the FoxFarms soil can be a little hot. Your second grow is looking better and by raising your light allowed some stretch. May this grow have some good vibes :vibe: My first grow didn't go over well either. I had mini bonsai's but had a few buds to smoke.
-- yeah, thats why I'm going with just distilled water that comes from the market around 5 with hardly any PPM.. the runoff comes at around 6.8.. the FFOF is clearly hot.. just gave her 1/2 feeding of General Hydro base nutes.. hope it isnt too early. Only plan on feeding Bloom nutes maybe twice to see if I dont get foxtails this time due to either nute burn, heat or light stress.. thanks for the vibes!
Very nice!

First pheno looks indica, second sativa!

Nothing like home style fries!

Start of week 5 -- gave her 1/2 the transition to bloom recipe from GH - is taking off and showing all kinds of new bud sites -- already did some defol on the lowest part but now all these popcorn sites have showed up on the brances -- should I cut these off?