Outdoor DV's Guerrilla Prep 2015

Darth Vapour

Supreme Commander in Kief
Jan 30, 2014
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Hey guys, thought I'd put together a little journal about how I am preparing for this coming years outdoor season.

Before we get started, I'd like to post 2 of my favourite pics from last year which was challenging but extremely fun and rewarding :thumbs:


Highrise MOB Guerrilla


Frisian Dew Greenhouse

I've started scoping out some new spots which look promising. Things I look out for is to try and get early morning sun exposure to dry off the morning dew which is a concern when growing in low lying locations. I'll be hauling in supplies pretty soon and preping fence/barriers for the animals which are definitely abundant in the area.

Still trying to finalize strains for this year but I have a few MOB leftover which I'll run again. What are you guys planning on growing outdoors this year and how to do you prep for the season?


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I've found an additional plot of bog/swamp land that I'm pretty excited about. Scoped her out this morning which was pretty cold.


For growing medium, I'll be using a couple 5kg compressed coco bricks which should give me roughly 30+ gallons of medium per plant plus some ammendments. I plan on testing out a few mixes and swamp tubes as follows.

1. Bottom third of the swamp tube will be straight coco, middle third will be 1:1 coco and promix, top third will be 1:3 promix and compost.

2. Straight coco throughout with vermiculite and perlite blended in to the top 2 thirds of medium with osmocote slow release nutes.

3. Straight promix with some gravel / rocks at the very bottom which in most cases will be sitting in water.

For the swamp tubes themselves I'd like to make my own grow bag made of landscape fabric. Also I'm going to try a couple 30 gallon rubbermaid totes with 1"(25mm) holes drilled along the bottom and lower third of the tote.

I'm mainly running photos. For the autos I think I'll multi plant them in the swamp tube. Thinking that 3 girls should get along well in a 30 gallon tote just fine. They may end up scissoring eachother but I'm all for it.

Cages or pest control will be either made up of sticks laying around the location with fishing line or chicken wire. I have a couple spray jugs of plantskydd laying around from last year which worked well. Foliar feeding with neem oil and kelp. Diatomicous earth sprinkled on the top of the grow medium. Copper wire around the stem of the plants. And beer slug traps.


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Nice looking spot DV, just starting to scope out some spots. I think I'm going extremely KISS and want to visit them as little as possible (twice only is the goal, planting and harvest). Going to do a CS seed run so I don't "waste" pricey seeds on an outdoor adventure. Thinking of starting 15 and hoping I harvest ~ 5.
Nice looking spot DV, just starting to scope out some spots. I think I'm going extremely KISS and want to visit them as little as possible (twice only is the goal, planting and harvest). Going to do a CS seed run so I don't "waste" pricey seeds on an outdoor adventure. Thinking of starting 15 and hoping I harvest ~ 5.

Hey Woolly, you should be able to harvest 5 outta 15 or better with the right prep. But you never know what mother nature will throw at us. We had 2 torrential hail storms last year mid September which I was certain would snap branches with the weight of buds on them. They pulled through somehow yet many native plants surrounding were hit hard.

How would you feed and water them with only 2 visits? I ran that MOB in the first post on 5 visits. The key is wick action. Buried a smart pot 2/3 into damp soil with promix herb and vegetable (contained slow release organic nutes) and basically a promix hp knockoff at 3:1. Wicked woolly wick action brotha. That's the main reason I'm going to try the coco near the bottom of the medium.

I may also try a seed run with STS. I'd love to cross the MOB with something citrusy like Cream Mandarin or Sweet Tooth, hell Hubbabubbasmelloscope would be killer, grape bubblegum? Yes please.
Best of luck with it mate...:Sharing One:
looks intresting your deffo on another level :D
but just wondering is there a reason for copper wire or just whats available ?
Best of luck with it mate...:Sharing One:

Cheers Duggy

looks intresting your deffo on another level :D
but just wondering is there a reason for copper wire or just whats available ?

Hey lonewolf, I heard it deters slugs and I've got lots of wire available from a friend. Apparently its a deterrent but who knows. Steel wool might work at the base. Slugs hit a few branches on me pretty hard last year so I'll try as many defenses against them as possible
Good afternoon darth, i will attempt my first guerilla grow this year. I really wanted to run a few Kali mist from serious seeds but have decided against it for a few reasons such as living in the Northern Hemisphere for one, also km is not cheap, so i don't think it is wise just yet.

So, now I'm looking for a more indica, maybe even some freebie autos that way there's nothing to lose.

Ill follow you along on your journey
Splurged on some beans the last couple days.

Sweet Seeds Jack 47 F1, Cream Mandarin F1, Green Poison Photo and Cream 47 Photo. Used Alibongo promo currently on.

Also grabbed some HSO Dr Greenthum EmDog with my 24 hr Seedsman discount.

Along with those orders freebies include DNA Genetics LA Woman (LA Confidential x martian mean green) and Bubba Kush (not sure who the breeder is yet, freebie from Alibongo).

o right sounds like good ideas man, and beats getting the cat poison crap lool