Outdoor DuurtyDragon


This is the kind of reflective I was looking for..

I Love her...take a Tip..
don't Share with Anyone...:smokebuds:...save her just for you..:D
cheers bro

and funny thing is shes only had wormcastings as fert i havint givin her nutes cause i wanted her smaller to hide :)

i can smell her as soon asi go outside she smells great im happy with outdoors so far my first outdoor auto
no colour yet

Absolutely fabulous plant Griever! This is probably going to be the decision maker for my next seed purchase.
and funny thing is shes only had wormcastings as fert i havint givin her
nutes cause i wanted her smaller to hide :)

People are stumpying them and Stopping their proper growth potential with Over-ferting..no Question about it..:no:


i can smell her as soon asi go outside she smells great
im happy with outdoors so far my first outdoor auto
no colour yet

Don't tell me..I am Envious..:lol:..she ranks in my top 3.....
I can Smell her just Looking at her..making my mouth water.

I've actually got Dragon just coming up to sex..so...I'll be getting my own shortly.

She is the Epitome of DC for Me...so she will be hybed out.

This is actually the pheno I Think I will get out of Magic or BudWider..:wiz:...the Power..behind the Deep Chunk..

You Might be Lucky to See a light blue/purpling in her top bud as she matures....
I would be Gutted if she Coloured..she is the Pure Deep Chunk I Want..:booya:
My Hearts Desire..:jump:

Give her a little scrape...in the Morning..see if she is releasing citrus..
nip one of those near the bud leaves...showing the lighter centre..
slow dry..
roll...and chuff it..without lighting it...just taking the air over her...
see if it Coats your mouth..unlit.

The terps in the one we hunt will do that..you will taste it on your teeth..

hey bro yes shes doing well and i did a smell test xD shes way different to my other DD yes she has a citrus minty smell sofar
2 shots taken in rain :) i havint givin her water for 2 days waiting for the best water rain :)

Just in case others want some reference...

this is Deep Chunk. This one you've got, Greiver, looks very DC.
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beautiful outdoor grow Griever!i love how lush and green she is!how many hours of light would you say she's getting?
cheers bro id say 5hours sun on then 5+ hours slight shade
heres a nice shot i took today
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