Dutch Passion Dutch Passions sensational "free seeds in return for a grow diary" competition

Would like to have a go at this.
I've just prepared my greenhouse border for the coming season, usually grow photos out there but due to the poor autumns in this part of the world I have to harvest early because of the damp, so autos a go go go for me this year!
Although I've not yet done a grow diary on here I have got a degree in commercial horticulture and worked for 10 years in hort' (including a stint in Holland) before changing career, so your seeds would be in good hands!
bro im in if you want me look at my threads i take primo shots :)
iv done about 20 autos strains and your blueberry

everyone knows what i can do
i dont grow em big i grow them nice

i can do in and out

Iwould like to try the THINKDIFFERENT strain
well i have a some mazars growing and ive got a log going too. first time grow first time logging, probably no the best guy for the job, hope fully i can do the company/strain some justice. gonna try and get a blue berry in the mix too
well shit... I wish I had more space in my room... but I'm fully loaded atm trying to lock down some new strains for spring and the coming year... anyone who is givwen this opportunity should be honored!!!! :bow: :bow: these guys have been kickin out GRADE A genetics for a long long time!!!!

I cant wait to see all this come to frutition!!! :dance2: :jump: :booya: :thumbs: guys!!!!
I'm pretty interested in "The Ultimate" and "Freddy's Best"

I'm just curious, are any of the color mixes included in this?
Hi Canadian, if possible I am trying to let people have some fun with our lesser known stuff. So that would mean mainly the 3 new photoperiod strains (freddys best, dark delight, Night Queen). OR , given that this site is mostly famous for its auto expertise, we would like to see some of our auto's grown. Having said that, rules can be broken, especially mine lol
Hi everyone. And thanks for the volunteers who are going to run with this. I didn;t get as many as I expected and I am sure that is because we have a lot of people from the US and we just don't/dare-not send seeds there. So I count 12 people who will be getting free seeds for a grow diary . These are

Mr.mcgregor,Boomer petway, Pigboy01, Glocalgrower, p.l.u.r., addski, CanadianBudz , Potsnob, Dopey jim, Griever, Nelson
I will PM all these people to get the seed choice sorted OR you can save me a job and PM me. I will send you a use-once e-coupon for our website which will allow you to order seeds for free on our website. This saves the hassle of PM'ing me an address, safer too.
BUT we only have 12 people so I have decided we can change the rules a little. We will allow anyone, even US legal/med growers, to submit a grow diary of Dutch Passion seeds, any strain, this year. The diaries will all be considered for the Prize vouchers . But obviously if you win a voucher it would have to be spent on merchandise (grinders, t-shirts, caps, lighters etc etc) as we can't send seeds to the US.
Those people that get the seeds from me will still get the reward pack of free seeds on completion of a grow diary + merchandise
. Those US folk that have got DP seeds from elsewhere and grown them I won't be sending the grow diary completion reward pack. This is because I still cant send seeds to the USA and I could have any number of entries. But at least this way the USA growers can enter the competition, and win the €250 first prize e-coupon. And of course the winners will be glorified for all eternity on our website. I hope that sounds fair and decent.
So next step. I will arrange seeds and e-vouchers with the people I mentioned, they will order their seeds and enjoy themselves groiwng them. The USA growers, or anyone else with a grow diary of DP seeds this year can consider themselves in the competition and in with a chance of 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize. The winners will be voted for based on what they have achieved and how they worked with the variety. We are not too worried about who gets the biggest yield

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Thanks for the opportunity to test out your strains! Will definitely try to do them justice with regular updates and some nice pics. :dance2:

You guys rock!:thumbs:
Mr.mcgregor,Boomer petway, Pigboy01, Glocalgrower, p.l.u.r., addski, Potsnob, Dopey jim, Griever, Nelson

What are you all picking? Photos or Autos?

Since Tony wanted the newer strains grown, I switched my Original choice of Freddy's Best and The Ultimate to Freddy's Best and Night Queen