Indoor Dutch Passion 'Think Different' DWC under 600watt L.E.D (DP Competition Diary)

  • Thread starter Thread starter green greenie
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have you got a link to a grow as i cant find one anywhere? quantum 600 just comes up with stealth grows lights? you think these are copys of there stuff?

have you grown anything under yours? sorry to go on mate but im in the market for a LED light and trying to spend my money well!

was thinking of 2 240 blackstars but could get one of there 600s for the same price

I've had a look and can't seem to find it!

Like I said at the start I had the problem of the light being too intense for my seedlings and killing them so I'm starting with a cfl on this grow. I spoke to the guy who sells these lights and he suggested thats what I do. Not sure they're copies, I think they may just be comparing to L.E.D'S in general which is a bit stupid.

All I can say mate is keep your eyes on this, I'm hoping the light comes good!
this will be great fun to see unfold. I am loving the LED progress, go for it man !
has anyone figured the long term savings on the leds, ie water evap that does not happen, replacing bulbs, giant fans( 100+W sucking down the elec bill), and how long it takes to pay for itself? I would be interested to know, esp with these new 3W diodes. I with you I am going with TD next too, but with my mass evaporating, heat creating HPS:cry:

So it's about time for an update! The seeds I originally germinated didn't make it. If you remember, I commented in my first update the one of the roots came out thick and bending upwards making it awkward to put in to the rockwool...well although they both sprouted the roots didn't come out the bottom of the rockwool as both roots curled up and were gowing upwards! I have no idea what caused this to happen with both seedlings but I decided to start again!

So I put them in to soak on Monday, paper toweled them Tuesday, Rockwooled them Wednesday and when I cam home from work yesterday they had sprouted with cotyledons, today the first set of leaves are showing. Pretty good growth so far! I've transferred them in to their new homes. The solution is ph 5.8, ec is 1.0 and I've used Canna Start to kick them off, also 40ml of Rhizotonic in there to help the roots stay healthy and promote growth. If you're wondering why the foils there, it's to stop the light getting to the water as there's big holes where the net pots aren't full yet! Well that's about it for now, I'll update later in the week.




Hi Guys

Update time!

Day 6 from seed.

EC is still 1.0 but ph has risen to 6.2 in each bucket temps are around 21 for both the tent and the res.

It seems I have one good plant and one not so good plant! I'll start with the not so good plant.

Growth seems to be seriously stunted on this one although it look healthy it's very small! There still no roots in the res so I decided to remove some pebbles and have a look at what going on. The roots have hardly grown on this one a are hardly any further out the bottom than when I put it in 6 days ago. I've put it back in much closer to the res which I will also top up so it's level with the bottom of the rock wool, hopefully when the root gets in it will encourage more growth. Fingers crossed!

So on to the good one. Although the first set of leaves came through not fully developed the growth has been great. No roots have come through the netpot yet but I suspect that there are roots in the res as the level come over the the netpot a fair bit.

I'll be giving them a fresh res change on Friday hopefully the runt will pick up a bit. Any suggestions or explanations are welcomed.



I started with 3 tundra, and they all grew at different rates, there was one that popped a tap root out in the first day in Rockwool, it was amazing, the other two took a couple more days, I have now three nice sized plants, and what appears to 3 different phenos, but all producing nice flowers, maybe try top feedng if the cube is getting dry, the root will get there.
Hi guys

Not sure why you can't see the pics, it's showing them to me! I'll try again below.

