Thanks for the advice guys, and yeah Tony it is a real bummer, nervermind this is the best way to learn...from mistakes, I wont be ignoring PH again and infact will be also going the DWC route next time round so I have total control. Funkfarmer you are kinda right, but she was in a very hot organic mix so I think I kinda "got away with it" for a while as I was diluting everytime I watered with the ph of the water being so high...eventually it just got too much!! I am sure I can rescue her but really a bit of a let down in the end. But like you also mention on the positive side imagine if the PH is right from day 1 under just 250 watts she will be massive!!
I have kinda proven a good point though and one that I set out to do (perhaps in not such a spectacular fashion) that even if you are a complete idiot she will still keep on keeping on
*Update: Just a quick note to let ppl know I will no longer be posting in this thread unless my girl takes a dramatic turn around...which it does not look like she will do. So come Tuesday if she is not better she will get the chop and I will start again.*