Indoor Dutch Passion Think Different 250w HPS organic soil.

  • Thread starter Thread starter nineweeks
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Looking good 9 weeks. She will start to reward you with some great buds soon, this is looking like it could turn out very nicely
Looking good 9 weeks. She will start to reward you with some great buds soon, this is looking like it could turn out very nicely

I hope so Tony...I always get a bit nervous at this stage, keeping her right amongst the cooltube now, shes getting lots of bloom feed in the water, not much more I can do other than just pray for weight :P
The centre leaves really suffer this close but there is no bud here (L.S.T'd for that reason) but I will risk a few sunburnt leaves in the middle for fatter developed lower bud...thats the theory anyway

Heres a pic of her attacking the cooltube :hot:

Week 7 and it's Arghh Fucken hell man the pumps! :eek:

I went to buy an electronic PH tester today.....heres why.


After calibrating the tester I took a test of my water source (the bathroom tap)

PH 7.8...Awesome I knew the water was hard but wow, my fault for having no idea what the ph was of my water source, I was being too cheap to purchase a good ph tester...and have have now paid the price with a very unhappy girl. At least I can now control my PH levels. Now I think I have a magnesium lockout...experts feel free to chime in and correct me but it makes sense with the water being so full of calcium.

In the meantime whilst I wait for a possible diagnosis from you guys I am administering this....

I dont wanna just go ahead and add epsom salts without a lil advice :)

Hands up who is going DWC next time round?

*nineweeks raises both hands and feet* :D
shall I just use epsom salts mediceine man? And if so have any idea how much per litre? Or any other suggestions.
Hey nine,I have subbed too..given that your ph has been so high throughout its amazing what Think different can do even when she is probably locked out from day one..some real potential in them genes methinks!I usually post on another forum but I can see me spending more time here as it's generally friendlier and not quite so strange!!I was lucky enough to be picked on that forum for a seed giveaway by the good folk @ Dutch passion so chances are I will post my journey with them here at AFN as well as over there..I chose TD entirely on the basis of seymours diary here and am very much considering taking the LED plunge also.
Anyway mate not trying to hijack your thread,just popping in to say hello and to let ya know I'll be watching from the wings with interest,and hoping you get a bumper harvest of kind buds for your jars!!grow on!
bad luck with the pH of the water man. That was a real bum deal ! As medicine man says give her a good flush with some pure water, maybe bottled stuff
Thanks for the advice guys, and yeah Tony it is a real bummer, nervermind this is the best way to learn...from mistakes, I wont be ignoring PH again and infact will be also going the DWC route next time round so I have total control. Funkfarmer you are kinda right, but she was in a very hot organic mix so I think I kinda "got away with it" for a while as I was diluting everytime I watered with the ph of the water being so high...eventually it just got too much!! I am sure I can rescue her but really a bit of a let down in the end. But like you also mention on the positive side imagine if the PH is right from day 1 under just 250 watts she will be massive!!

I have kinda proven a good point though and one that I set out to do (perhaps in not such a spectacular fashion) that even if you are a complete idiot she will still keep on keeping on

*Update: Just a quick note to let ppl know I will no longer be posting in this thread unless my girl takes a dramatic turn around...which it does not look like she will do. So come Tuesday if she is not better she will get the chop and I will start again.*
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what happened anyway?
sry for the ph comeback
did she get back on her feet? got rly impressed with both TD growin in this topic

im tryin on a 150 hps