@Think . Over 100 grams each....I did a sog, so they didn't reach their full size... but they are more stable then the think different, the phenos where almost the same.
@Think . Over 100 grams each....I did a sog, so they didn't reach their full size... but they are more stable then the think different, the phenos where almost the same.
@derek420colorado : please can I answer you this after 1 month Then I have them both side by side... think big is stronger, but it also what kind of high you get from the girls... some people like european woman's, some people like Spanish woman's, ME I love the Asian woman's
I will come up with a smoke report after some more cure....
AUs has my love from her yield. ... I'm more of an quantity guy.
@Tdam yeah no problem, you see It has really been almost 2 years since I bought beans and I guess I didn't realize that there was now a Think Big, all I can say is that those big ass swollen frosty ass fuq nugs really have my attention. I love that the phenos are all virtually exactly the same, man it is starting to get to crunch time and I need to narrow down my strain that I am going to grow with my upcoming super project. I thought I had narrowed it down to the Hubbabubbasmellascope and fast buds Six Shooter, now that I have seen these TB's I have to consider them as well.
Derek.. just order a couple of the Think Big, but still go the way you've been thinking... if you like them you can always just do them again exclusively. Just pop one or two of them and see how she is. Your AXes did really well so it would be nice to see you do your thing again.... i know you wont get disappointed with the smoke, but i havent seen a really big one yet, but i want to see a real dwc with her with plenty of lights just to see how much she can produce. I know you've got the $$ in the pocket so its not a question about if you can afford her... but like i say, just give her a try and still do the Hubbabubbasmellascope and fast buds SixShooter. Always fun with some variety. REMEMBER, when you start your blog you gonna PM me... !!! Haha
Have a great day my friend, today im going to see if i can land a salmon... the middle weight of them are around 10 kgs.... heaviest one they got where almost 24 kg 3 days ago... its still just the beginning of the season, so the river isnt full of them yet. But thats what i will do.... bring home a salmon to the wife ") aint going home untill a got one...
Also you are right I think, I might stick with the two Strains I have already picked out in the HBBSS and Six Shooter, and try a single bucket TB or something like that. Also you know I will PM you as soon as I start up my journal. I will be letting everyone here know that I have started up again lol
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