Indoor Dutch passion SNOW STORM #2 DWC and HPS grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter adz
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Day two and its all go in the grow room.. lol


Nice. I've just started some DWC's myself. Seems like a simple approach to hydro. So far the results have been awesome. Just a bunch of bag seeds right now. I figured I'd play around and make some mistakes on these before I get the cash to throw at some Dutch Passion seeds. Seymour inspired me with the famous TD grow. I'm probably going to go the HID route too. Them damn LED's are EXPENSIVE but looks like they definitely put out. I'll be watching bro. Good luck-Big buds.
day 4 pictures did a res change on all the buckets today.. maybe there was no need but i could see bits of sand and other stuff in the bottom of them.

Still trying to get the nutes right, my water is so hard i can only get a certain amount of nutes in there before the EC just get to high and burns them and more of that EC is shit put in by the water company that my ganga dont need!!




hey adz, remember these babies need little nutrition at this stage so step those nutes up as slowly as you like. All the best man!
yes listen to tony dude. In future i will only run at quarter strength nuts for the first 7-10 days as seemed to have recently burnt one of me plants just with canna start and rhizotonic plus a little ph down at 50% strength. it burnt just as the 3rd internode was sprouting which has left it 2-3 days behind the others. This is my first time at DWC tho! Seedlings look cute. Sounds like a nice grow you have got going on, cant wait to see how this journal develops :)
Indeed tony, as i said before i think in DWC you could run the first RES on Root stim like Rhizotonic alone its NPK 0,6 - 0,2 - 0,6 i would say thats ok to start an auto seedling for 4 or 5 days.

Mine are at 5 days now and the EC is 1.0 of canna plant start on some buckets and formulex on others, that may sound a lot but the starter nutes are low NPK .My water is 0.6 EC without nutes so my plants are really running 0.4 EC. I doubt very much that 0.6 EC in my water has much that the plants use, mainly its calcium and lime i think.. plants use cal but im not sure the suff in the water is in a form they can .
Thats no growroom!....its a LAB! :) nice setup. good luck, looking forward to your updates.
ok 9 days in and all the babys are looking good, already noticed some need more feed than others and most of them have a nice root in the res.

Funny that the biggest one does not have a long tap root in the res but you can see lots of little roots poking out of the net pot.




looks like you're off to a flying start :thumbs: best of luck with the grow :smokebuds: nice set up too bro!
Looks great adz, like to see the DWC and Dutch passion with HPS that is what I am going to be using, so I'll be hanging on you coat tails for this one esp after the la diva, that was a beaut of a plant! Looking fantastic.