OLD REVIEWS Dutch Passion Polarlight #3 smoke report - Prozac smoke

Nice report SG, I didn't have any reps to give you after your grow but I do :slap: now!
Nice report, dude! :clap:

I will say that all of your pics are killer blurry and I can't tell what the buds look like at all, but other than that, you're good! :D :smokebuds:
thank you very much, Squid!

yeah, my pictures cause eye cancer, i know. :face:

i will purchase a decent camera soon, so that i can take killer bud pics for myself... and for you guys, of course. :D
good evening guys,

i felt like i owe you some decent bud pics. ready to drool? ok!

attention, here comes the porn...


I also started to grow polarlight a week ago. Do the effects last up to 5 hours? Wow
good luck to you!

of course it's a question of tolerance et cetera, but i was high for a good while...