Dutch Passion 2023. Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher Dutch Passion new USA Autoflowers genetics 2023 - Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher

Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher
Week 12 ladies dudes :woohoo: more pics and info on my thread....

Oh My Gusher.
Hi im still trimming but popped in to say the gushers absolutely stinks and the taste on all 3 of that strain are my goto smoke abit fresh still but smooth and strong, my friends have all picked the gushers to smoke without me saying a thing over everything else. You can definitely taste the tri kush and the gelato adds a fruity skunk to it, i will grow this again.

:pass:It’s been a pleasure and thank you @Antonio_DutchPassion I now have some full jars again.
It's been chaos round here, we had to drop the tent for a day with the plants in the shed in 240L binbags from screwfix, very droopy and wet, but bounced back nicely. I have 4 TDS meters that don't work and am waiting for Amazon for a new one, and I'll start measuring all my feeds for all my plants. Here's auto Mac, in her wee DIY low stand, I use baking trays to catch runoff, but have to shuffle the plants around to have room to move the trays which are shallow and difficult to move without spilling. Coming up to week9 and the buds are stacking up slowly and are on 3ml bloom A+B with 1ml Explode per litre.
So what do you when you fuck up? I fed my plants 3L of un PH'd feed at about PH4, then realised what I've done and fed the plant 2L at 6.3. Then I couldn't remember why I fed the plants only 2L when I'm trying to force out the bad feed and fed another 3L at PH6 and am watching the plant, it look crispy and light burnt and am hoping a further 5L in the morning will bring the root zone back to true. Should I have flushed? May be just RO water and Calmag. I also have some Flash Clean by Terra Aquatica I could have used. I don't know what to do when I mess up so badly, I only know I don't realy want to use TA Flash Clean, as it seems quite aggressive, and there's zero chance of putting tap water as it's mostly way too hard. Some pics, you can see the plant is a decent size and what I've done to it. I lowered the lamp to 75% {xs 1500) but may move it to a 'finishing lamp' ie a Mars Hydro TS1000, with it's gentle lovely warm hue. I finish anything I want density out of under TS 1000s, even though I use VS pro 1000s and a couple of xs 1500s. god I'm stoned.
Early Flower
End of Week 5 MAC#1

We have reached the end of week 5 and today marks day 35 above ground for our plants.

The week started off uneventful but by Wednesday we had an overgrown lady that started flowering and still no frame work.



Sometimes the best laid plans never come to fruition and with the larger of the MAC#1 in flower, there wasn’t really an option to man handle her to much.

The exceptional growth over the last four days has really caught me out and the notion to flatten out this specimen was really missed. The 3” squared frame work turned up on Thursday and was rapidly installed at nearly midnight to get these ladies under control.


Friday gave us 24hours of recovery before we set to work with a heavy defoliation. All the major limbs were spread throughout the frame allowing flower sites to occupy their own little square. Light can now penetrate through what was a dense canopy, allowing all those primary bud sites to be exposed.




With regards to nutrients, they have been fed nothing but structured water, the bio-tabs that are present are no doubt working hard keeping these two ladies green.

Week two of flower will see us continuing canopy management, plucking off leaves, if and when required to continue allowing light to penetrate and manipulating the remain of stretch.


Happy Growing ;)
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I done it again, made up the feed water to 1300ppm but forgot to PH! So I put through a few liters of a slightly weaker feed until I got about 3l extra run off. Being too low seems way better than too high as PH goes, with the plant looking light burnt, but still budding up I am pretty impressed, and am still ahead of where I usually am for coming up to week 10. Loads of tops and a decent size.