End of Week 5 MAC#1
We have reached the end of week 5 and today marks day 35 above ground for our plants.
The week started off uneventful but by Wednesday we had an overgrown lady that started flowering and still no frame work.
Sometimes the best laid plans never come to fruition and with the larger of the MAC#1 in flower, there wasn’t really an option to man handle her to much.
The exceptional growth over the last four days has really caught me out and the notion to flatten out this specimen was really missed. The 3” squared frame work turned up on Thursday and was rapidly installed at nearly midnight to get these ladies under control.
Friday gave us 24hours of recovery before we set to work with a heavy defoliation. All the major limbs were spread throughout the frame allowing flower sites to occupy their own little square. Light can now penetrate through what was a dense canopy, allowing all those primary bud sites to be exposed.
With regards to nutrients, they have been fed nothing but structured water, the bio-tabs that are present are no doubt working hard keeping these two ladies green.
Week two of flower will see us continuing canopy management, plucking off leaves, if and when required to continue allowing light to penetrate and manipulating the remain of stretch.
Happy Growing