Over the years of smoking marijuana (started smoking when i was 15) i realized that smoking had a major negative impact on my life. Im not talking in medicinal terms, but in social. My life went steep down to the rock bottom just because i was smoking marijuana. WTF?!?! MY health was fine..great!, my grades in school were ok/good, i wasnt weird or anything like it when i was stoned...in fact as a person i became better. But none could see that. All they saw was Junkie with a joint in his mouth with no goal in life.
The stigmatization of cannabis is sooooooo powerful in Slovenia, its affecting young lives and often ruins it. The public pressure young smoker are getting, is making their/my life very hard. It forces u to deal with things u otherwise wouldnt have to. To much energy is wasted for the wrong things.
Think of it this way:
They say Cannabis is boosting or triggering psychological diseases. It does! Not the cannabis itself, but the pressure that canna smoke is under in our country. 8 of my good high school friends collapsed and had nervous breakdowns. None of them cause of cannabis, but what cannabis brought to them socially. Bad relations with parents and other members of family, impossible to get a job when smoking (towns are so small here, everybody knows every1), high prices for quality smoke - very low monthly salary + all sort of other negative stuff makes you go crazy.
2 of my good friends died by this shit. One jumped over the balcony when he was only 20. The other was killed by his own drunken father - he found his secret mini grow. AND I CAN SAY WITH CERTAIN - CANNA STIGMATIZATION KILLED EM, AND WILL KEEP TAKING YOUNG LIVES IF WE DONT DO STH ABOUT IT: BEST WAY IS TO EDUCATE PEOPLE - LET THEM KNOW AND DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES!
That is my main reason why im putting myself to risk making this forum. To finaly make people to see APPLE TREE - APPLE - APPLE CIDER is the same as CANNABIS - FLOWERS - SENSIMILIA !! NATURE!!!!!
Thanks for all em kind words and support.
Mossy - I should make a post to say Thanks to AFn for making AFS possible and i didnt. Sorry

But nevertheless, I am very very grateful for your help. I was very lucky to first got in contact with you. You boosted my confidence and energy to finally start what i already wanted years ago. Stigmatization removal is in progress
Thanks to AFN and its MEMBERS!
Sorry for grammar mistakes. still learning.