I had all ready made my mind up before i scrolled down there , Karma 2 for me hands down , lol , i think your choice is made buddie , nice one hope she grows well for you mate :group::smokebuds:
Lifes mysterious ways..
Sometimes life steps in and makes your necessary decisions.
Wanted to take pics in natural light and brought plants to back step, bathed in evening sun.
My wife assured me the bunnies were under her armchair.
Left for 15 seconds to get camera and returned to find girl bunny sitting in the Karma pot, and boy bunny escaping with most of Black SD No.1 firmly between his cute little bunny teeth.
Little Fu##er...
A couple of leaves were damaged in Karma pot but all is ok.
I will remove Karma No.1 later and tie LST in most suitable orientation on remaining girls with more space available.
Lifes funny...Well now I've blasted a couple of J's it is anyway.. :group:
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