New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Thanks sanguine, we are excited! Not going to be a huge haul but making it to the finish line is a victory. Both atrains are supposed to be pretty stong, stronger than anything i have had in a very long time. I think 17 and 20% thc
Nothing makes a great day like ordering more beans, like i need them!

@mephisto genetics grape crinkle and Skywalker. Too many people say good things about their quality. Now to figure out how the payment process works.
You can't buy seeds online mate. you have to find them in the wild, sorry to break it to you
Update for day 60 and 55. The girls got the same Dutchpro feed except for a little increase in the explode. The senior girl is drinking less and pistils are changing color more. Still fattening up! I did lower the lights to about 14 inches to give a little extra penetration. Still not sure how to describe the smell, musty or skunky. Building lots of trichs and more frost.
Only gots purple pics again, sorry.
This is the older girl
Not sure how much longer for the elder, going to reduce nutes and get a flush next time. We haven't been overly heavy with nutes except for the last two feeds. Ive been happy with the Dutchpro nutes, burned more tips with cfls than nutes.


Update for days 63 and 58. Both split 3 ltr water with 9ml dutchpro bloom a & b, 2.5 ml sensi calmag, 1.67 silica, and 4 ml explode.
They are fattening up! Getting some frosty goodness too. We are extremely pleased with our short girls.