New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Thanks eyeoftheworld! My first grow was why i joined here. I started screwing up with nutes and ph. Lol, no pics of those. Its like a food recipe, follow directions and things are cool. One thing that I think helped me was i used silica the whole grow! Helps the plants cells and internals. Its one of the lesser talked about extras. Protekk was what I used. Also, it raises ph so less harsh ph adjusting was needed with nutes.

Protekt or whatever it is called is awesome! I agree! I noticed big improvements with this as well.
Drinking water machine! Two cups didn't last 24 hours, much less 36 that was planned. So it will be going up to 3 cups each time. Also, a mars reflector 48x5 was added and put in at an angle for better penetration.
Ok everyone i need help. I was reading threads earlier and saw someone post that grows organic and had two different teas they used. What they had shown was in brown bags. I dont know if i marked it to watch. The plants grown were very nice! Anyone else see this thread?