New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I have, one even got bushier, but nothing phased that plant . But i think it was a little older. One or 2 at a time should not cause an issue with a bushy plant. I wouldn't cut off my tall one. But i only got one grow under my belt.
I have, one even got bushier, but nothing phased that plant . But i think it was a little older. One or 2 at a time should not cause an issue with a bushy plant. I wouldn't cut off my tall one. But i only got one grow under my belt.
it's more than some of us Dudeski! And your first grow was amazing!!
Thanks eyeoftheworld! My first grow was why i joined here. I started screwing up with nutes and ph. Lol, no pics of those. Its like a food recipe, follow directions and things are cool. One thing that I think helped me was i used silica the whole grow! Helps the plants cells and internals. Its one of the lesser talked about extras. Protekk was what I used. Also, it raises ph so less harsh ph adjusting was needed with nutes.