New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune


Early miss bud from our first grow that is still curing!
Anyone want to tell me what you think about the node spacing on the euphoria? Just dont want it to get too stretched. Lights about 26 inches away
Are they more than 2 inches apart? I can't tell by looking at the picture. At this early age, I think it shouldn't be more than two inches. It will stretch out more in early flowering stage. I'd keep it at 23 inches away and see how she responds. One more thing to keep in mind though, it also depends on sativa type or indica type too.
Probably less than an inch right now. She is only 6 inches tall. But I have to say that i love not mixing nutes and messing with the ph! The soil cost $20 and did two pots. Well worth the money so far. I am going to keep posting the grow here too.
Probably less than an inch right now. She is only 6 inches tall. But I have to say that i love not mixing nutes and messing with the ph! The soil cost $20 and did two pots. Well worth the money so far. I am going to keep posting the grow here too.
Ok. If it's less than an inch, I wouldn't be really worry. You can scratch out my previous message.

I think you will definitely get a heavy harvest with kind soil like how Ripper got his second Bubblicious grow. Good luck and keep growing Dudeski! :)
What you are seeing at this point is probably more genetics than it is actual stretching.

Looks great !

I just wanted to make sure that the lights were not too far away. Since it's just my second grow and i kept the lights too close the first i just needed other eyes to tell me its ok! Now to decide if a fan leaf or two get removed in the next few days...

Stretch can be done while a sprout (not good)

Now that it's a seedling you won't influence stretch a whole lot for a bit yet.

No real reason to do any pruning till you get a bit closer to thinking about tucking.

But as always.... YMMV