New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Hey Duckster, good luck on your 1st grow. I too just put a couple seeds in root plugs, not my 1st try, lost 1 other seed to damp off about a week ago and I got me some root plugs in the mail today. Anyways, subbed in for the rest of the ride ... N4W ... :peace:
Hey N4W Welcome aboard. Pull up a chair, pop some corn and enjoy the ride. Gotta feeling that based on my start, this one's going to be a little rough.

Don't make the same mistakes that I think I've been making - Too much water and too little patience. lol

How are things in the TV. Warmer then when I was up there last week I hope. Was there last Wed. with a high of 21F. Working out in the mud and wind with snow flurries. Woke up Thur. to 5F. Sure glad I was headed home! lol
great advice Duckster. I read all the "help me" thread's before I ever dropped a bean. N4W, have you started a journal yet? send me a link if you have
Yeh I read for about 4 months. Information overload kicked in many times and big chunks of the most obvious shit did not sink in! lol
Keep the faith Duckster, that girl might still make it and surprise you, like you ime reading and reading but till the time comes ime guessing its panic stations, don't know if you've read this thread but post 25# i think should help any new grower like ourselfs when things are not working out.
Hey thanks for the input Hairy. Unfortunately, your link just takes me to the forum home page, so I can't find what you're trying to show me.
Yeh I read for about 4 months. Information overload kicked in many times and big chunks of the most obvious shit did not sink in! lol
the info overload is definatly a problem. I had to take a step back and streamline to the bare basic's and re-research problem's as they arise. basically Keep It Simple Stupid. I had plenty of Stupid, just needed the Keep It Simple! lol
OK sorry about that, its on indoor growing and the thread is called AB Fills the Tent, hope that helps,post 25#
Hey N4W Welcome aboard. Pull up a chair, pop some corn and enjoy the ride. Gotta feeling that based on my start, this one's going to be a little rough.

Don't make the same mistakes that I think I've been making - Too much water and too little patience. lol

How are things in the TV. Warmer then when I was up there last week I hope. Was there last Wed. with a high of 21F. Working out in the mud and wind with snow flurries. Woke up Thur. to 5F. Sure glad I was headed home! lol

It actually made up to 50 degrees yesterday Duckster. I'm on the north side of the TV, so I'm sure it got a little warmer in the other areas. Today 48 and rain, lol I've been threatening to move further south for several yrs, but never do, lol

great advice Duckster. I read all the "help me" thread's before I ever dropped a bean. N4W, have you started a journal yet? send me a link if you have

No journal as of yet elsa. I'm using a new computer this yr and when I tried to download some of the boys pics it wouldn't download. Kind of hard to do a journal without pics. Ganja gods help me make it thorough problem free. I can see it now trying to describe a problem. Me ... It that little thingy thing next to the stem. You ... that's called a leaf N4W ... LMAO.

Yeh I read for about 4 months. Information overload kicked in many times and big chunks of the most obvious shit did not sink in! lol

I've read till the lines run together and lost I don't know how much sleep!

Keep the faith Duckster, that girl might still make it and surprise you, like you ime reading and reading but till the time comes ime guessing its panic stations, don't know if you've read this thread but post 25# i think should help any new grower like ourselfs when things are not working out.

I appreciate the recommendation hairyman. That may well be the single most informative post I've ever read!

the info overload is definatly a problem. I had to take a step back and streamline to the bare basic's and re-research problem's as they arise. basically Keep It Simple Stupid. I had plenty of Stupid, just needed the Keep It Simple! lol

OK sorry about that, its on indoor growing and the thread is called AB Fills the Tent, hope that helps,post 25#

Ah yes, Master Bot - an excellent source of information. I had not seen this particular tidbit though. Cut and pasted into my bible now. A very good logical step by step trouble shooting thought process. thanks for the tip Hairy