New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Many thanks to all that have stopped by and enjoyed the ride. Will post some more after I get some rest. Spent most of the night at the hospital after my ball player passed out at the close of her game last night. She's ok, was just a bit overheated but they wanted to make sure.
Well - chop +2 days and the fresh cut hay smell is starting to subside a little. The buds are drying in brown paper bags. Aired out a bit once a day and a little shake 2-3 times a day. The white widow buds are a bit of a disappointment. About one third of them are real small and fluffy. Probably destined for the med trim bag. Most of the Trans Siberian buds are looking real good. The buds are still dense and drying nicely.

Still have not sampled any of the buds.. However I did get a bit of scissor hash that I mixed with the tric dust. Kind of harsh but a nice buzz.
Chop +4
After 4 days in the paper bags the buds seemed a little dry to me so I trimmed the rest of the stems from the white widow (talula) buds. I got a dry weight 1 gram shy of 2 zips
Talula dw2.JPG

The buds were really fluffy had to use 3 quart jars and I put a humidity monitor in one of the jars. It was reading 40% when I first put it in there. About 7-8 hours later it had only come up to 46%. So I went ahead and added a boveda pack to each of the jars. The green smell is gone, but there isn't much of any kind of a smell.

Will update more when I finish Sonya.:biggrin:
Did a final trim and dry weight on the Trans Siberian (Sonya). 78g about 2.75 zips

sonya dw5.JPG

sonya dw7.JPG

These buds had a little more heart to them. I used 4 quart jars. I put a humidity monitor in two of the jars and the other two are only a little over half full. I went ahead and added a boveda pack to each of the jars. The green smell is gone, and she is a bit smelly now.

Total yield between the two plants was 133g - 4.75 zips. Quite pleased with the yield. I just hope I didn't over dry. I had them loosely in #12 paper bags in the cab with no lights and fans running for four days at 40%. I thought 4-5 days was about right but the buds seemed really dry especially the white widow. Hoping the bodeva packs will help to bring them back a bit. Also hoping that I didn't put them in too early. :biggrin:


  • sonya dw6.JPG
    sonya dw6.JPG
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Hairy - my man! Was starting to think that you smoked all of your stash in one sitting and then wandered off the edge of the earth or possibly just floated away. lol

"You've been very good not trying any" Not really, smoking as regular as ever. Just still working on some jars that I got back in Dec. You can bet that if my jars were empty, I be sampling real regular. lol

Still deciding what's next. What's next with you or are you already rolling?
Ok so adding the boveda 62 packs brought the rh in the jars up to 57-59%. The buds don't feel as dry so I guess that's a good thing. The boveda packs are having to work hard though. The packs have developed more crystals in three days than the packs in my other jars have in three months. The trans Siberian is getting kind of a spicy smell, kind of nice. The white widow just smells .....weird. I hope it gets better.

So buds in the jars at 57-59% rh. Burping 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Will continue this for another 4-5 days and then twice a day for a week.
I made two 8oz batches of tincture last night. I plan to let the first batch steep for 4-6 weeks. Will let the second steep until the first batch is consumed. Plan to make a couple of batches of oil this weekend.
Still burping the jars 2-3 times a day for 30-45 min. The white widow is still smelling kind of funky but the trans Siberian is smelling a little better. Curiosity got the better of me. Had to see if the buds would at least get me high! Be a shame to go through all of the effort for crap weed. So I just had to find out. Broke up one of the small TS buds and the wife and I each smoked a couple of bowls. Took a big hit (kind of harsh) and that slack jaw, relaxed, couch lock felling was kicking in on the exhale. Me likey! As for the taste, let's just say, "I hope it gets better with age" and leave it at that. lol
Well I made 16oz of canna oil yesterday with about 45g of trim and popcorn buds. Used 4oz of the oil in a batch of brownies. Quite tasty. I might not of even noticed a very slight canna flavor if I hadn't known that it was there. A couple of brownies gave my wife the most relaxed sleep that she's had in quite awhile. I ate 1 this morning a have a nice relaxed body buzz going. Not bad coming from the stuff that I would normally throw away.:biggrin: