New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

lol pal, i have had the same talk from my wife, and the "all you ever do and think about these days are your f$%*ing plants":crying: .40 inches wow they taller than i realised, cant wait to see them plump up pal for ya.

lmao I think we could be married to the same woman Hairy. Or are they just all alike lol

Checked on the girls this morning an found Sonya bent up into the light.
The light is 42" above the soil. Sonya is now 44" tall and Talula is at 39". A group photo, Sonya on the 6346-1.jpg
Time for some more bondage - break out the whips and chains. A group photo after some discipline. Not really whips and chains. I used pipe cleaners on the plant. Those are tied to some twine that's tied to a bent paper clip. And hook the clip into a hole on the airpot. No chaffing on the plant and it's adjustable, just move the clip to a different hole. Kind of like a mini-rack lol The inquisition is about to begin
Group 6346-2.jpg

Talula day 63
Talula Day 63-1.jpg
Talula Day 63-2.jpg
Talula Day 63-3.jpg

Sonya day46
Sonya Day 46-2.jpg
Sonya Day 46-3.jpg
Sonya Day 46-4.jpg
I'm thinking the bondage will have to continue until they quit feckin growin. Just something to bitch about. bitch bitch bitch. lol

Lots of bud sites and they are slowly getting bigger - but not big enough or fast enough. Something else to bitch about. bitch bitch bitch. lol

Sorry about all of the bitching, but to do anything else (according to the wife), would be totally out of character. lmao
Thanks for stopping by and as always, questions, comments, tips, witty quips, are always welcomed.:grin:
LolLol pal I ain't saying anything, oh no my plants are too good , bet the wife's loving this one,c bitch bitch bitch lmao, hope it works out for ya pal, rooting for ya as allways
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Hey Hairy How's things in the cupboard? The bud pic you posted looked sweet. Looked much more mature than 38 days!
Haha pal I wish, ille do a update tomorrow, I think that's was a problem more than a positive, so what you going to go with the monster, bend her, top her, or remove the floor boards, :)
Haha pal I wish, ille do a update tomorrow, I think that's was a problem more than a positive, so what you going to go with the monster, bend her, top her, or remove the floor boards, :)

I took the top 10" and bent it horizontal about 8" below the light. You can kind of see it in the previous pics. Talula got the same treatment but not as drastic, she not as flexible as Sonya. It's now about 10 hours after I bent them over and some of the side branches are within 3' of the light so a bondage session is probably in order for the morning.:grin:

Good job. How much longer do you estimate before harvest?

Hey Armanidog I'm figuring 4-5 weeks but what do I know