Indoor DubV Top 5 Auto Run with Highrise fems

:drool: YOWSA!!! Oh the Hobbit.... she is lovely from the ground up my friend!!! :drool: Noods and I may have to arm wrestle for this one!! LMFAO!! :dancer:
Its been a very busy and stressful weekend but here is a little candy before a full update Tuesday :toke: Hobbit, amnesia, and d99 got there last feedings today. Flush starts tuesday and ghaze x c99 x c99 comes down on thursday :ama:

you have done a class A job...
Thank you all my friends :thumbs: Well its all quickly coming to an end with this batch :D
Hobbit, amnesia, and D99 all started flush today. The ghaze x c99 x c99 comes down on friday. The Dubs have way too many 4 month to 1+ year old cured meds and they are all way too heavy except cream mandarine for daytime. So all these girls are 100% cloudy so down they come between day 70-76 or so it looks :ama: The blackjack got its last feeding today but the cheese and s.a.d will go another week or so before flush starts. Enjoy the update from this mornings feedings my friends :toke:

Cheese- I count 7 creamy berry colas





Very nice bro :slap: witness :smokebuds: :peace: