Indoor DubV Top 5 Auto Run with Highrise fems

Everything's looking very nice my friend, cheese is a monster, love her structure!

Thanks my friend :thumbs: She is my star pupil this run :smokebuds:

That girl makes me weak, Dub. :yoinks:
It just looks so serious. No Nonsense, hardcore black leather and silver shiny parts. Like she just wants to take control. She looks like a garanteed Mind Fuck.
If I wasn't already bald, I'd be ripping my hair out right now, trying to decide what to grow next! Sooooo much weed to grow and I'm stuck with a damn tent in a f'd up No Grow Zone! :mad:
Someone, please make my passion legal!

Noods my friend, just do what I did for a year. Grow one of each one on your list until you find your 6 best and then grow them. This way you can start all over again with new strains but still having plenty meds and variety, as too not build a tolerance :smokebuds:

AHMEN BROTHER!!!! All i need to do know is learn how to make some Bho or more over some kick ass bubble hash or just a few things that are sweet n will put my melting in Pain ass in that recliner.LMFAO!I can hardly walk right most of the time but Im kinda dan

Canna olive oil as Rebel said my friend :thumbs: Bho and bubble hash are great if you don't want to function in anyway but oil is all day pain relief that's controllable bro :smokebuds:

LMFAO yer cat begs for them? I have several Cats,Thats funny as hell LMAO!What Kinda Camera do you use?I have a Nikon D40 but with a Max of 55mm zoom in.Does good,I just wanna be able to get really close.Imma buy a USB Macro 120X scope n take stills this harvest so we can see the Trics.Thanks man.Luscious glistening ladies brother, mmmm WOW!!weak in the knees is right.

Dude my cat loves weed like no other :kitty: He sneaks behind me while I am feeding and rips leaves off when I turn away :smokeit: A cheap Panasonic 12 megapixel camera bro :thumbs: Great optics though... I consider digital cameras disposables at this point so I buy good and cheap since technology is always changing :smokebuds:

You want pain relief? CANNA OLIVE OIL. The Wife and I took a 1/2 teaspoon each round 6:45pm and I'm melting into the couch right now and no pain. I got permanent nerve & muscle damage. Not to mention Ribs that move on me thanks to an air bag... Wife has 2 Herniated Discs in her neck and other serious daily issues... It got us 100% off pain killers, muscle relaxers, Anti-Inflammatories & Sleep Aids... for nearly a month now! Sorry to Jack your thread Brother Dub but since you are the one that turned us onto it and how it's worked so well for us both. I felt inclined to shout it out. Plus I got a new batch :stir: right as I type half way done... Won't go a day without it now!

Dub, now where do I begin... That D99 just sets the loins ablaze... :boob: And that Cheese!!! Holy Hell another Love Bush in the making!! The Amnesia is Dub Dank as usual... Hell they ALL are pristine! And looks like you got some frost over your way... :ace: OUT-F*CKING-STANDING!!!

Rebel my brother, what did I tell you about stirring the oil :no::rofl: Man that D99 is one dense sticky bitch :D Well the cheese is the queen momma right now. I have to open up both doors on the tent to get her out now :bone: Your always too kind my friend :buds:
:thumbs: Top Notch pain relief!! About 1:45am this batch will be done and already huge difference in smell and no burning... First Press Olive Oil is a MUST! :crying: Dude I SWEAR when I picked that smiley I thought to myself "he's gonna mention me stirring the oil..." LMFAO!!! I know! Hell I don't even take the top off the whole time now... I set it and forget it LOL I only stirred the first time! Learned my lesson well!! Shinola the hard way... :crying:
Dub, what was it that you told Rebel about stirring? You said to NOT stir it, right? I just wanna make sure I'm not missing an update.
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No Stirring! Gives the oil a very planty taste and oil is way darker end product... It breaks up so much you get plant matter in the oil... Not the most pleasant taste if you ask us... But it still works! Just tests your gag reflex... :crying:
dub my cat loves her some canna too except i got her trained to wait for me to give her a leaf or 2 or the unwanted males
Wow Dubs everything is looking stellar in your rooms brother!! :drool: :clap::clap:

Gonna have a hoke around the site here on the canna olive oil.. I'm banging pain killers daily :(

dub my cat loves her some canna too except i got her trained to wait for me to give her a leaf or 2 or the unwanted males

Man snipe my rajah is a pot fiend. He eats leaves, stems and buds on the plant or dried and cured :thumbs: Like father like son I guess but he was smashed when I trimmed the bottom out of the cheese this morning :D He was laying on his back with all four paws in the air :crying:

Wow Dubs everything is looking stellar in your rooms brother!! :drool: :clap::clap:

Gonna have a hoke around the site here on the canna olive oil.. I'm banging pain killers daily :(


Kush no good on the pain bro :no: You need the recipe just let me know my friend :thumbs: I took 3/4 a teaspoon of a batch made from pjem, moham ram, and sweet coffee ryder trim and me and the Mrs are right as rain :D Its like being wrapped in a warm cotton ball :smokebuds:
No Stirring! Gives the oil a very planty taste and oil is way darker end product... It breaks up so much you get plant matter in the oil... Not the most pleasant taste if you ask us... But it still works! Just tests your gag reflex... :crying:

We can always water cure bro. But I am too lazy for that and there is so many infused items in my house that it could lead to a twitching on the floor incident :roflcry: