Lighting DubV Tent Grows

man i feel your frustration. i live with constant pain, and i need my meds! i cant risk having things go wrong i have no backup. and no more room to play with. thats why i have to use femmed seeds, and they have to work the first time! i had to sex out my first auto grow, and was lucky i had three females, at that time i decided femmed seeds only. not many avilable on went with wos femmed afgan k r. i see where stich has for sale femmed seeds, and there is a couple of test grows going, i will follow those closely. i would love to buy my seeds from afn!! but i need the best female auto seeds i can find. if i could get the bad betty in femmed auto's that would be my next grow!:smokebuds:
Thanks astronomy and rebel my friends! Just going to be one of those days I guess :no: 2 hours sleep and a ton of stuff to do today! Yay :cuss: :no:
If she was fucking with me that bad and making my life miserable without the promise of at least a half decent yield, I'd cut her in half. In this pic, the 5th visible node from the bottom (The node under the top two dark green fan leaves that are facing the camera, halfway up the plant).. Snip...:wiz: and you can forget about the problem with the lights for the other ones, and you won't have to feel guilty about blaming her for messing up other plants. :2cents:

+1 for that idea

I'd chop Dr. Terror and focus on the rest of your lovelies... :peace: hope you get some rest mate
HASH if you use her for bubble you will most likely get some dank red bubble from the early trichs I'm talking get your ass moving on 2 hours of sleep bubble :bong:
Thanks Noods I might end up doing that tonight but it will be a little higher than that if I do it! :thumbs: Right now the heat is becoming an issue so I just switched all the girls to 18/6 since it supposed to be 100+ for the next to weeks! Would rather not have the heat stress at the end of flower! My heat pump of course is under powered and it cant keep the house below 80 degrees until sunset and I don't have 7 grand for a new one! Hope everyone is staying cool! :smokebuds:
Hope you get it all sorted out Dub! You've been doing such a stellar job man. I have been thinking about trying out those AN nutes you use. I wanna try the AN, but I am all organic and have been reading some about the Iguana Juice. Green karma your way my man. :D
You should see what my CC is doing with her heat stress! OohLala... I'll just have to show you in the morning after I give them all a drink. Maybe it'll warm your heart... A little CC nostalgia.

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@ Squid thanks bro! Dont worry! I got this :thumbs:

@ Noods hell yes I do! My CC is drying nicely right now :thumbs: Matter of fact, I might have to accidently drop a bud on the floor to try :crying: