Lighting DubV Tent Grows

Hi my name is Dubv and I am an autoholic! My first time tasting the sweetness of the :dancer:was in the fall of 2010 and I need help! :cry: My life is ruled by all these beautiful bitches and I dont know if I can take it anymore! I find myself spending hours a day staring into there beautiful dripping colas and sneeking a peek at there plump thick bottoms :hump: Oh they make me want to do naughty things to them :hump: I need help please :crying::crying::crying::crying:
Hi my names truu and I Love looking at dubs dripping colas as well. There is no cure in sight for my sickness, and to be honest I don't care to find one.

Lookin great dub!
In all seriousness my friends! I really cant say enough about all the friendship, support, recognition, kindness, and now being bestowed the honor of being a dragon tester for afn and Mossy is almost overwhelming! I am living a dream right now with the ability to do what I want to do everyday! Its almost brings a tear to this cranky old fart :cry: Screw that! :dance::booya::head: This one is for all my friends on afn :smokebuds:
Congrats for the new badge, my friend :smokebuds:
Gonna toss any Dragons soon?
All girls are stunning :thumbs: I love the snow queen :drool:
congrats on the badge :D :lol: i clicked it and it said

dragon med tester then under that huggers in training :crying:

by the way Im Sniper and my first was a 3' 3grams outdoor big devil #2 in July 2010 and I've had the auto bug ever since :D my how I've grown :crying:
Oh man I just had a goood chuckle reading all that madness :crying:
Good times :buds:
@ Truu my friend! Long time no see bro! Thanks for stopping by and the kind words! :thumbs: Hope all is well! Cant wait to see you fire it back up bro :smokebuds:

@ Stone thanks bro! As soon as my snow queen, cream caramel, and fruit come down there will be baby SD and Frost dragons! :thumbs: Then as more come down more will go in! But these two monsters I have right now are eating up all the space and light! :smokebuds:

@ Snipe thanks my friend! You know you want to come over and get a big hug right now from brother Dub! :crying::crying:

@ Snooch bro I did the same thing :crying: Gotta love this giant family we have! :thumbs: :smokebuds:

who makes that snow queen
Snow queens, frost dragons... winter fairytale during summer :smoke:
What is frost dragon?