Lighting DubV Tent Grows

...Well so far it looks like 3 possible stunted ...

Don't sweat it Dub. I'll bet they're just a bit slower cuz they were planted directly into the big pots. (Which is a good thing, if you ask me. Right in the big dirt and let them go nuts.) Give them a bit to let them get their roots sorted and watch them go.
Don't worry my friend they will get another 7-14 days before I make any decision's. The good news is all of them popped new tops last night and seem to be going into hyper mode! I am psyched! The cream caramel is 8 inches across at 17 days. She is a beauty!
Can't believe i missed the start of this but i'm subbed for sure! I've already got 6 pages to go back over. :) but air-pots and those LEDs these plants are going to be spoiled!
Welcome aboard the jungle express Prez! Its good to have you along my friend! I am shooting for 20/25 autos by the time I am in full swing on this run!

Thanks for the karma Dwc or the man better know as leb!
That setup looks bad ass plus loving the variety here definitely pulling up a seat
Happy 420 to all my afn family! :smokebuds:
Here is a couple of shots before the girls get a feeding in a few minutes. First off, day 19 group shot. Second is my Cream Caramel that is in a pot that is 12" across! She is huge compared to the others so far. Third is an abnormal leaf structure on my G-13 Auto AK. Lastly is a chunck of cream caramel hash that I am going to reward myself with after the girls are fed! Hope everyone enjoys and has a happy and safe 420 :peace:
Day 19 Group.jpgDay 19 CC.jpgDay 19 Ak abnormal  leaf structure.jpgCC Hash.jpg
freakin yuuuummmmyyyyy!!!...:jump:....girls are looking awesome brotha!!....Happy 4/20!!!..:smokebuds:
Yummy is right. The return of the Hash Eaters.