Lighting DubV Tent Grows

Thanks for all the + rep's, likes, and kind words my friends! I will be bringing a few more out today to feed so there is more sticky bud action on the way! Nothing like have 16 budding plants all at once! The smell of the tent when unzipped is freakin mind blowing at this point! Thank you phresh for making such good filters :thumbs:
Sounds like you are in your element in there Dub :smokebuds:
Looking forward to the update :jump:
Thank you phresh for making such good filters

Good for you! Guess what... I'm blessed with a natural environmental filter that pulls air in through the one room at the end of the hall where I leave the window cracked and the door open, the natural air currents flow through that window, through the room, down the hall, through the keyhole and under the bottom of my chill zone door and out the window in grow room. Maybe a day or two a month, the current goes the other way, depending, of course ,on the weather... I still carry the sweet smell around with me throughout the day though... it just lingers in your nose, doesn't it?

I'm looking forward to another batch of Dub porn!
@ Snooch my friend yes I am :D

@ Brother Noods I use to use your method until my mom came in my house one day and said man it smells like cat piss in here :crying: Thank god I have two cats and people are just stupid in general! :crying:

Updates will happen in a few hours my friends! :thumbs:
I bought some weed in Amsterdam called cat piss... It tasted of... You guessed it! Got me baked but I don't know if I'd ever buy it again. That's some funny shit though lol

I'm off out but I will be checking in on my mobile phone :drool:
Thank god I have two cats and people are just stupid in general!

HaHa! I like letting that one roll around in my head! If you forget the MJ association in that statement it kind of.. um, :confused: I always say my cats have the IQ of a walnut, so...
Noods my cats are smarter than most humans! I kinda effed up when I introduced my boy to mj when he was a kitten! That sneaky son of a bitch loves to come up while I am feeding and sneak in and starting eating all my plants! He freakin loves it more than catnip but that's my fault! Whenever I pull off bottom leaves I bring them to him and he drools everywhere and begs for them! I literally have to lock him in another room when I trim because he will eat all the sweet leaf! :crying:
My female cat is the same way dude! :lol:
Here comes another update after 3 hours of feedings :thumbs: