Lighting DubV Tent Grows

happy thanksgiving dub :smokebuds:
Hell yeah Bro .i took me a few wine classes in college and the old lady had went to Germany on a sommelier program ...she found the Lc I grew and told me about while she was in the aDam ..i don't think I did it justice like you but I have it crossed now so I get a second chance ....1 of the crosses is around 3 weeks and she's looking cheese dominant now ......she should make some great overall meds ....cause the daddy is da KO PUCNH ...

Happy holidays in sure the treats will be stellar ......fabulous magnificent work again !!!!!
Happy thanksgiving my friends! Its rough since its the first one since Mrs Dubs mom passed away 6 weeks ago but we just try to live it one day at a time! Hope everyone has a safe and happy day with there families Group smoke-out
Hope you and Mrs. Dub had a good Thanksgiving! Time heals all wounds, my friend, so you are doing the right thing taking it day to day. :thumbs: Im anticipating a hard Christmas for Mrs Pher, since its the last holiday we spent with her mother, before she passed earlier this year.
Wishing you and your family the best, from the Phers! :smokebuds:
Enjoy your triptophan/wine induced buzz bro!
Pher thanks my brother :thumbs: You will be in our thoughts as well my friend... Here is one for the family Group smoke-out

On that Note, how about some white cheese

Day 84

:drool:dob dub :drool:
That cheese is making me salivate! :drool: But don't worry... I already prepped my keyboard for drool... :D Top Drawer Amigo! :smokebuds: Glad you made it home safe and sound. We've been thinking of you guys... :group:
I can't imagine that turning out any better, Dub. This killer batch of buds, and they didn't even get the usual Loving Dub Treatment! Out Farking Standing, my friend! :bow:
Rep points added, of course! :smokebuds: