Lighting DubV Tent Grows

So I said full update but I forgot the multipots other than the stone dragons but they came out today for feeding so enjoy :toke:

Day 67 Frost Dragons

Day 64 Appalachian Dragons

Day 66 Cream diesels
:drool: very nice dub bro,that's some thick coating of frost on those ladies :bow:
dub does the appy still smell like a tire fire:D
Thanks my friends :thumbs: I am currently without Internet because of some drunk kids decided to vandalise my entire development. They smashed control boxes with baseball bats and set them ablaze :cuss: What happened to throwing pumpkins at mailboxes :no: Dam kids will get shot if they try this shit again for sure. Anyway all is safe and I should be back and running in a week or so. Snipe I have 2 ADs that smell of burning rubber and a super dense lemon skunk one :thumbs:
Ooohh i want that lemon skunk pheno!!! Guess I'll have to drip some more sometime soon! Hope that gets fixed real soon bro.

I hope they find out what group did that and send em to Juvi!! Some beyond scared straight should fix em!!