Lighting DubV Tent Grows

I saw a the closest thing to a UFO I've ever seen last weekend while hunting. True story!

@ Noods so ugly I must take my pants off before entering the tent to salute the girls :hump::crying: I swear I learned that one from astronomy :crying:

@ PR thanks my friend :smokebuds:

@ Truu thanks my friend :thumbs: Let me know and I will make sure you get the spa treatment :smokebuds:

@ Rob I prefer Iso or bubble but I am a straight up canna butter and oil maker with my sweet leaf :thumbs:
Edibles are the key to a happy healthy lifestyle my friend :smokebuds:

@ Small thank you my friend :smokebuds:

@ Truu as soon as I get back to my girls I will have to show you a pick of a Ufo near lake Mead in Vegas :smokebuds:
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Well we had to go take care of the father in law and the stay got extended past the expected time. My girls took a hell of a beating when they went bone dry for 36 hours :no: It is what it is and family comes first! The multipots being larger were barely effected :thumbs: But my cheese strains are freaking picky as hell:cuss: Will get pictures up as soon as I can :smokebuds:
Good to be back home again, eh Dub? I hope your trip was not too trying on you.
I'm sure you'll pull the Cheeses back to happiness! :thumbs:
"Oh my, that's so lovely! Now why on earth is that illegal?"
It's a shame we're all here too early to be part of the Venus Project. They're gonna have it good.

Noods, my grandma has been known to keep a few MJ plants in the windowsill in her lifetime because of the same thing! "it's such a pretty plant!!"

@ Rebel just a little snow mixed in this morning but we got another half an inch of rain today :no: Dude the Potomac is going to look like the amazon by tomorrow probably. Luckily we don't live in the flood plain :thumbs: Did you get your generator today? I need to get one as soon as they get them back in stock :smokebuds:

Finally was able to pick it up a few days ago... I don't have a truck or trailer so had to wait on a buddy... We never lost power BUT I'm happy I got one NOW! If shit hits the fan again we'll be ready!

I saw a the closest thing to a UFO I've ever seen last weekend while hunting. True story!


@ Truu as soon as I get back to my girls I will have to show you a pick of a Ufo near lake Mead in Vegas :smokebuds:

I wish you guys would share your pics and experiences in my paranormal thread! That thread needs reviving and it's awesome to get stoned and share crazy stories! I'd love to hear both your stories! And pictures are even better!

I bet you were so glad to spend some QT with them last night bro... Good to have you home! you ever pick up another generator?
Glad your back dub. Now shower us with beautiful pictures!

Reb if I had some pics I would share brotha. This all happened in 10 seconds. I was traveling down the road on my 4 wheeler with the skies clear as day at 430am. Not 3" seconds after I looked up admiring the stars I saw a huge bright light. It was about center of the earths horizon and the top of my vision. It began to travel upwards at a somewhat slow speed for About a second or 2, and then with a flash it was gone. About a half a second later I saw it for a split second traveling faster than anything I've ever seen and it looked smaller than the smallest stars. My first encounter so It was a nice experience. I've always believed in them so this was just icing on the cake!

Sorry dub I don't mean to jack your thread!
@ Noods bro you would think it would be good to be home but today was shit :cuss:Got them all fed for now my friend :thumbs:

@ Rebel we still have no generators in our area :no: A week after the storm and they still arent in stock again. Dude I was so spent so it was a quick feed which still takes 3+ hours. I will find that thread my friend and throw the pic up :smokebuds:

@ Truu no problem my friend :thumbs: