The Dubs have returned safely and had an amazing trip filled with paleo snickerdoodles and great times

Now to sleep for a week to recover from last week

I will catch up on all my brothers threads as soon as I can but there is much too do! Stay tuned as this thread comes to life again :booya:
Now the forum can liven up a bit.
Just wonder what a "paleo snickerdoole' consists of. Guessing 3 parts canna together with fruit, nuts, seeds, spices (and or maybe but very doubtful eggs or a fresh kill :twist

The following questions are only voluntary:
Did you have any involvement whatsoever in taking and or transmitting the photos of the third in line prince. Everyone in Vegas at the time is a suspect. :twist:
Did you get banned from any casinos. If yes--congratulations.
Would you estimate on average Las Vegas strip has between 1,000 or more hookers (they like to refer to them as working girls) working per night. And remember each one no matter how sexy or frightening has a pimp ('daddy'-always listed on their cell phone and when calling the ass) and pimps normally control only one to very rarely two to three girls--that's a lot of jackasses. You were there long enough to get a pretty good sense of the environment and spot them or observe the typical profile (i.e. Normally alone and often in pairs [part of the game of setting up dumb men but the drunks are the big fish for trick rolls = in room theft/robbery in which they make as much or more money than hooking] with ever present cell phone in one hand and small over shoulder purse and always smiling--they seem to be the happiest woman in the casinos, often mismatched shoes or purse, various outfits from old school street look to cheap Wally World Cosmo look alike, walking thru casino floor randomly or sitting near guest elevators at slot machines and last, but not least, sitting at the 'hooker bar'--every casino has, at least, one well designed and notorious hooker bar--even all the five star resorts. Also, if the girls smoke it is almost always 'NewPort' cigs a crazy part of the pimp culture all over the US. I could go on and on--I too have stories). Sorry to overdo the above--for educational purposes.
Lastly, any stories or one really good story. You know I like photos too.
Good to see you back.
Get some R&R.