Lighting DubV Tent Grows

@ Truu I hope she turns into a Louisville slugger bro :smokebuds:

@ Insert stick around now imagining need :thumbs:

@ Astronomy love bush enjoyed the tribute my friend :pimp:

@ Noods your too kind my friend :thumbs: Mrs Dub named her and hugs her any chance she can get :smokebuds:

So if anyone is interested the hobbit is C-88 x haze and smells so divine :hump: I would say ginger ale mixed with sweet strawberry hard candy :thumbs: I got the in laws all weekend so there will be lots of sneaking off to medicate :smokebuds:
o if anyone is interested the hobbit is C-88 x haze and smells so divine :hump: I would say ginger ale mixed with sweet strawberry hard candy
run that by me again?

she's one sati lookin little sex whore! :dance2:

go deep cover for when the kids come... :smokeit:
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:D That Love Bush just makes me :D Hell of a job keeping her so green brotha! She's a pampered Bush! I don't blame the Mrs.... I'd hug the Love Bush every chance I'd get too!! :hot: That Hobbit is sweet looking. Not to mention that smell description sounds incredible! I've always loved Ginger Ale... I'll have to go get a 6 pack now LOL As always Bro your work is absolutely incredible!!

Beautiful bro I am in love with that love bush she is beastly :amazon:
@ Noods mine went well bro. I truly hope the same for you my friend :smokebuds:

@ J Tang I will make sure to do a proper smoke report on her :thumbs:

@ JM I am not kidding bro :thumbs: That cross is considered the ginger ale strain from the late 80s and she seriously smells like sweet ginger ale but when you rub your fingers together it smells of strawberry hard candy :D

@ Rebel you are too kind as always my friend :thumbs: Love bush demands pampering daily so I really don't have a choice bro :crying: Funny thing is my little dubbliscious is doing the same now too. I need to rethink these small pots! Way too much work for plants over 26" tall. :cuss: I mean I would like to have one day off a week :crying: Going to chop the syrup and aa soon bro :smokebuds:

@ Robwars that's funny bro :thumbs: She has some super dense sati nuggs on her :booya:

@ Lever thanks bro :thumbs: My question is how can you not be in love with the love bush :crying: She is about to get 712 watts of led to herself in a few days :smokebuds:

@ smokerjoker do you mean what's up next bro because if you want to know what I have in storage... It will take a while for that one :crying: Please clarify war chest bro :thumbs: