Keeper of the Green
Truu thanks my friend :thumbs: So I have been doing some precure testing of blueberry, pineapple, and s.a.d. So blueberry is best described as a musky grape taste but smoothest auto strain I have smoked to date before the cure. The buzz is best described as dreamy in every aspect. Find myself forgetting what I am doing all the time. Buzz lasts minimum 3-4 hours. This pineapple was 30 days longer than my last so same taste of fresh mangoes and vanilla still but buzz way heavier. Semi couchlock if consumed in large amounts. S.a.d on the other hand is total couchlock. Starts in the top of your head and then rapidly spreads down until coma state kicks in
If you remember she smelled of straight cat piss but that has changed to rotten orange peels and is slowly mellowing into a creamsicle odor with a hint of rotten fruit. :smokebuds: