New Grower dtrud0h's FIRSTGROW!!-2xMars Hydro 300-3x Dragon / Bender ?? some DIY and whatever else comes along.

I have semi-detailed notes about feeding schedule, plant dimensions, light height, and whatever else that I'll post after the dry harvest totals. Although in foresight, I have no idea how I'll report that. My scale corroded a month that or so ago..... Damn.
Nectar of the gods has a sample pack that you only pay shipping. 6 quarts nutes and a small bottle of a folar spray. shipping was 28 bucks for me. i haven't tried them but atrain has. hust an idea to help u get nutes for next time.

Those look great! nice cross for sure
Oh , When I signed up I thought all that crap basically said that we're all in this together... Better put my glasses on next time.
Glad you're onboard @Dudeski. Couldn't do it without everyone here. Well, I could problem pull it off, but not as well....
You got it! im happy to be along for the ride because I am still learning too
Just a quick update. I had a good reason to move my donate t5 light to my "MaleJail" so there's a decent chance that this strain might continue. No promises, but he might pull through. Hashtag "[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Lives" . Lol

Hello AFN,
Here's a few pictures from this morning. Buds are fattening up some and filling in. These things are so stocky and short and jammed together it's hard to begin to try to get a picture of what the stock looks like, but I threw in a few for you all to try to decipher.

If you see naything that looks concerning please let me know.

Thanks. And without further ado, Here's Number 1:

And Here's Number 3:
