Epic Genetics
I have some buds in my freezer right now. Some mi5 buds that i wanna make hash from.
I was thinking about the dry ice metod but after reading your post muddy im not so sure anymore.
I want the best result i can get, not most weight.
Any advice to how i shall proceed making my mi5-hash?
dont take just one persons results as the be all end all
i myself and a half dozen friends use the dry ice method with SPECTACULAR results
im lazy and simply use the work bag (220 micron) , i just dont shake for very long , maybe a minute at the most , my returns are 3 to 4 times bigger then the traditional ice water bags method
ive been smoking hash for 30 years , at one point for about 10 years it was all i would smoke and i can honestly say the dry ice method makes me hash as good as any ive seen
one time i gave some to a newfie friend who is even older then me and has been smoking longer then me , he came back a few days later and told me it really f*cked him up , and that was the first time i ever tried the dry ice method

EDIT : it is good to have someone watching the color as you shake it , have them say stop as soon as the slightest green starts showing