Extraction Dry Ice Hash Demo Video - Feedback Needed Please

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I just tried making dry ice hash last week for the first time. The results were pretty disappointing. It seems the dry ice makes the vegetable matter so brittle that shaking it so vigorously breaks it down into dust and too much of the vegetable matter ends up being mixed in with the trics. I could see this almost immediately due to the greenish color of the hash. I then looked at it under my 100x scope and could readily see there was way too much vegetable matter. I then tried hand rolling some but it wouldn't stick together, again an indication of too much vegetable matter. So now it's back to the drawing board, trying to figure out the best way to screen it again to remove more of the veg matter. I also tried smoking some of the kif and was again disappointed. Where 3-4 hits of good hash should have gotten me well stoned, I had to hit it 8-10 times.

Given the amount of weed that was used in the video I wouldn't expect that much hash. The color also looks too green and I suspect the results are similar to what I got.
Muddy i was having the shake thing happen to me when using dry ice so i started just drying trim really dry and shaking in 73 micron bag with 6 quarters or so and i am getting really clean almost pure kief very tasty i have even got some to full melt its a little more work you have to shake for a bit but i just shake for a few mins then take a break and get back at it usually just watch tv



That looks much cleaner than what I got. All my trim was dry and I used the same size micron bag as it was the closest to what Arthur Connell Clark recommended in his book, HASHISH! I thought about using dry ice with wet trim but I suspect I would get the same results. But judging by the results you got, that seems to be the way to go and in line with the traditional methods used in the mid and far East. Just wish I hadn't committed all my trim to the dry ice. Should have done a test run first. Did you freeze yours first? That should make the trics brittle and they should break off easier. Maybe some marbles or such in the bag with the trim to help knock them off the veg matter?
Yes I have been freezing it first but only for maybe 8 hours or so and I have been using a vacuum bag so I don't get any moisture , That was the problem with the wet trim and dry ice was all the moisture just killed the yield and quality . But I also get great results from just drying and curing the trim and shaking it right out of the jar maybe a little more yield when frozen I always forget to weigh it and I've been saving all the trim that I've used for kief the past few months and I figure I will cook with it most of it still has some stalks under a scope and some heads and thanks for the marble idea didn't even think about it I bet it would work great I may give it a try tonight :smokebuds:
Good point on the moisture, hadn't thought about that. I've still got a bit of trim left that I may throw in the freezer today and give it a try tomorrow without the dry ice. I just hate that I committed all that to the dry ice without testing it first. It was everything from last year's photo grow plus about 8 months worth of auto trim, about three 5 gallon buckets full. Got 4 oz. of kief from it but unless I can rescreen the veg matter out, it may end up being used for oil instead.
Damn man that does suck that's a whole lot of trim , I have not done much experimenting rescreening through the bags but I hope it works out for you let us know how it turns out and if it doesn't thats allot of edibles man blonde karma your way bro :smokebuds:
what bag will you use muddy.... use 160mics or less for best and shake for 2 min and scrapr then shake again once it goes green quit. you can easily see the shades of white to green...
We used the 160 micron bag. LOL, my friend and I were doing this together and got a bit too stoned before we started and weren't paying close enough attention to the color. Just taking turns shaking away. Then, of course, we had to sample it, so got even more stoned. I took a bit and rescreened it through the 73 micron bag and that did clean it up some, but not quite enough.

Clarke recommends 130 microns to capture the largest, ripest resin glands, then 90 for medium and 70 for the small ones and other debris. Unfortunately we don't have anything between the 160 and the 73. I wasn't crazy about using the bags either. I'm thinking of just buying the proper micron screen material, making a frame and doing the more traditional sieve method. I also want to look for a good PC scope. That little hand held one is just too difficult to use.
I have some buds in my freezer right now. Some mi5 buds that i wanna make hash from.

I was thinking about the dry ice metod but after reading your post muddy im not so sure anymore.

I want the best result i can get, not most weight.

Any advice to how i shall proceed making my mi5-hash?
