NEWS Drug War Game Changer: Is California Going to Legalize Marijuana?


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Drug War Game Changer: Is California Going to Legalize Marijuana?
Momentum is building for 2016 -- and an impressive coalition of reformers, advocates and industry leaders are working together.
By Phillip Smith / AlterNet
June 23, 2015


On June 14, more than 200 people gathered at the Sebastopol Grange for a fundraiser and organizing meeting of local pot growers, the Sonoma County Growers Association. They were being mentored by their northern neighbors from Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity counties, the Emerald Growers Association, which already has lobbyists in Sacramento and is in the middle of the effort to legalize weed in California next year. The Emerald Triangle is the largest marijuana growing area in the country's largest marijuana producing state.

Two days later, more than a hundred people met in a conference room at the Oakland Marriot City Center to plot the intricacies of producing a statewide marijuana legalization initiative. For several hours, attendees—dispensary operators and employees, small growers, not-so-small growers, patients, consumers, interested citizens, even a nun—offered their input on a rapid-fire but seemingly endless array of issues related to legalization and how it should occur:

Who can grow it? How much? Where? Who can grow it commercially? Should there be tiered licensing to ensure small operators have a chance? Who can sell it? Can cities and counties opt out? Who should regulate it? How should it be taxed and how much? Where should the revenues go? Should there be amnesties or expungements of records? Should employees be protected from being fired for smoking on their own time? Should there be protections from child welfare services or family courts? Does impaired driving need to be addressed? What about medical marijuana? Should existing businesses get a priority?

The complexities of knitting together a legalization initiative that will satisfy the community's already well-developed interest groups become apparent. But the process is nearing its end, and, it is hoped, a repeat of the movement infighting that accompanied 2010's failed Prop 19 effort can be avoided.

The Bay area events are nothing unusual in California this year. Pot politics is in the air. There is a lot at stake for the existing medical marijuana system as the legislature tries again to agree on a statewide regulation scheme, but beyond that, there's the whole issue of outright legalization, and that's going to come to a head in the months leading up to November 2016.

That's because Californians are extremely likely to have a chance to vote directly to approve legalization then and quite likely to do so. Polls this year are coming in with support for legalization above 50%, although not enough above for anyone to think it's going to be a slam dunk. Four legalization initiatives are already at the state attorney general's office awaiting circulating titles and summaries, while a fifth, and the one most likely to actually qualify for the ballot, is set to drop sometime this summer.

Four states and the District of Columbia have already beaten California in the race to Promised Land of legal weed (much to the chagrin of California activists), but if and when the state goes green, that could be the death knell for pot prohibition. In one fell swoop, 15% of the entire country will have legalized it--and that's not even counting other states also likely to legalize it the same day, including Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada. When the nation's most populous state does something, the rest of us take notice.

Enforcing marijuana prohibition constitutes about half of all the resources--state, local, and federal--devoted to the war on drugs. When a state as large as California rejects pot prohibition, that begins to call into queston the entire drug war model, and the resources devoted to it. Legalizing in California will have ramification far beyond the state's borders.

The initiative everyone is waiting on is from the California Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform, the group that organized the Oakland meeting—and 13 others just like it among stakeholders in every corner of the state. The coalition, also known by its web address, ReformCA, is working with a number of state and national organizations to get a broadly-backed legalization initiative on the ballot.

ReformCA's state supporters include California NORML, the California Cannabis Industry Association, the Emerald Growers Association, the Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance, Oaksterdam University, and the state chapter of the NAACP. Its national allies include such deep-pocketed groups as the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) and the Marijuana Policy Project, as well as Americans for Safe Access, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, and the United Food & Commercial Workers.

"We're definitely working in coalition with a lot of organizations, including criminal justice and public health organizations," said Amanda Reiman, DPA's manager for marijuana law and policy. "They agree that legalization is the right step; that we need to regulate it. There seems to be a fair amount of unity there."

The ReformCA public forums were a deliberate way to "hear from the marijuana base," said Reiman. "They have ideas, and those come back to the coalition, but that is only a small piece of the puzzle. We've also been meeting with people who don’t come at it from a consumer or industry perspective—medical, law enforcement, public health. They have an interest in this, too; we all have a vested interest in a sound regulatory structure."

North Bay cannabis defense attorney Omar Figueroa has a hand in a couple of other initiatives that have already been filed, the California Craft Cannabis Initiative and the Marijuana Control, Legalization, and Revenue Act of 2016. Based in Sonoma County, just south of the Emerald Triangle, he's attuned to the interests of small growers, and both initiatives reflect that.

Both have provisions for marijuana cultivation licensing schemes that would leave room for the area's traditionally family-sized operations, designated "craft growers" in one and "artisan cultivators" in the other. Small-scale operations would be able to buy cultivation license for far less operations large enough to be designated "commercial."

Whether the initiative campaigns end up folding themselves into the ReformCA campaign remains to be seen.

"The craft cannabis initiative is there for discussion purposes; I'm releasing the meme into the wild," said Figueroa. "But the other one actually has some funding behind it. It'll probably end up unifying with what ReformCA comes up with—if it's palatable."

Figueroa has his druthers and he has his bottom line.

"I'd prefer that medical marijuana be untaxed or less taxed, and I'd prefer that regulation be done by a transparent elected body like a cannabis commission," he said. "And it would be nice if existing growers got priority licensing or some sort of head start, but at a minimum would be recognizing appellations. California has world famous cannabis appellations. No one's ever heard of Denver or Boulder bud; it doesn't have that branding that Humboldt or Mendocino does.

But in the end, he's looking for an initiative that is "create no new crimes and legalizes personal cultivation."

ReformCA and the other initiative proponents aren't even the only game in town when it comes to marijuana policy reform. Their efforts are going on parallel to the work of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Cannabis Policy, led by pro-legalization Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the ACLU of Northern California, which will issue a much-anticipated report on July 7.

While not explicitly pro-legalization itself, the commission was formed out of the expectation that legalization is coming and in an effort to and is identifying policy issues and solutions related to dealing with it. Its membership consists of policymakers, public health experts, and academics, and its report will include input from important groups not necessarily friendly to change, such as the California Police Chiefs Association.

Waiting for the commission report is one of two things slowing the completion of the ReformCA initiative, sound Dale Gieringer, longtime head of Cal NORML, as well as a spokesman for the coalition.

"The biggest one is whether the legislature will implement a comprehensive medical marijuana regulation system this year or not, and what it would look like," he said. "But it looks like they will pass Assembly Bill 266, which is basically a multi-agency approach. I think we now have a good idea of where the legislature is headed and a solution to the problem of regulation."

The other thing is the Blue Ribbon Commission report.

"I suspect we'll see a draft shortly thereafter, but I can't guarantee that. It may take another four to six weeks of working out," Gieringer said. "Several drafts have been circulated, and we're waiting for something from the Drug Policy Alliance, with the advice of a bunch of other people who've been consulted. But nothing has been finalized."

The clock is ticking, but the only real hard deadline facing initiatives is, ironically enough, April 20. That's when signatures have to be in if they want to make the 2016 ballot.

Still, the sooner the better. Initiatives need 585,000 valid voter signatures to qualify for the ballot, which means they better have a minimum of 800,000 or even more to account for the inevitable disqualified signatures. It also means initiatives don't manage to get on the ballot without a paid signature-gathering campaign, and the less time they have, the more they have to pay. Budget $1 or $2 million just to get those signatures.

"We could file as late as November or December," said Gieringer. "It just costs more. If we were ready now or even next month, that would give us maximum time to do everything, but it looks like it's going to be a rush."

Funding will appear, supporters said, but they are going to need a lot. The 2010 Prop 19 initiative campaign raised and spent $5 million for advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts, and that wasn't enough. California is a huge and expensive series of media markets, and organizers are thinkng they will need to spend somewhere between $10 and $20 million to ensure victory.

The traditional deep pocketed sources of drug reform funding—the Drug Policy Alliance and its PACs, the Marijuana Policy Project and its PACs, the Peter Lewis estate—have not yet committed serious money, but they are watching with great interest.

DPA's Reiman would say little about funding, except that "the money is out there, and we're just going to have to see. Right now, we're doing our due diligence."

"I'm confident we can get the money, there are large pledges sitting on the sidelines ready to get in once signature collection starts," Gieringer said. "And there are some promising leads, although the industry itself has been very disappointing. They're quick to suggest things to make it more profitable, but not so quick to put up the money."

One exception is Weedmaps, the dispensary-locater app. The Orange Count company announced in April that it had donated $1 million to a campaign committee called Californians for Sensible Reform, which will support what it thinks is the strongest legalization measure on the ballot. Weedmaps is also throwing another million bucks into a PAC of the same name that will spend it supporting weed-friendly candidates.

California is a large, complicated state. Even its marijuana movement is large and complicated, not to mention factoring in the interests of the much, much larger non-marijuana community. Whether all the moving parts can fit together in a measure that can win at the ballot box next year is an unanswered question, but Reiman sounds confident.

"Coming up with the details is where the difficulty is, and there's always something to disagree about, but we're coming at this with such strong support, we've got the Blue Ribbon Commission, that's more academic and political weight behind this than ever before."

Phillip Smith is editor of the AlterNet Drug Reporter and author of the Drug War Chronicle.
TL;dr! (I will I promise!!)
Good news.
It is my supposition that legalizing in some form, medical and/or recreational, is going to be on a lot of ballots in 2016. My reasoning is that by virtue of being a popular subject and something near to a lot of our hearts and minds that a lot of folks will vote. Seems like a good strategy for the Democratic party as most of the folks that would come out to vote for legal canna would be more of a like mind and vote for a Democratic candidate. Could be way off but it seems logical.

Good read, lots of good stuff going on in CA!!
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If California legalization happens that's most of the west coast Oregon Washington done now we need Cali .
I'm going to be moving out there in April to get into the biz so something needs to be kept in mind for small guys just wanting to make enough money to get by we can't allow huge porperations to take over this industry I was going to move to Colorado however talking to folks our there it came to my attention that without a huge pile of cash to start up with you might as well forget about it

I hope that by the time I get out there the bottom hasn't fallen out of the market. I have no problem with a taxed and regulated industry but I do have a problem when 2 or 3 companies run everything

Just as an example I worked in the firearms industry for 8 years and it was nearly impossible to get anywhere even all the other companies (think remington winchester black hills and others are all owned by atk who also owns bowing and Lockheed Martin as well as almost anything else to do with defense industry) I know that's off topic but just using it as a reference that we need to keep this accessible to the little guy that just wants to make a living

Gavin Newsom: California Is The 'Worst Of All Worlds' When It Comes To Marijuana
Posted: 03/27/2015 10:01 am EDT Updated: 03/27/2015 3:59 pm EDT

That's why Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (D), who recently announced his candidacy for governor in 2018, says it's essential to begin publicly exploring the issue before a full-scale legalization measure likely shows up on the state ballot next year. On Thursday, a commission helmed by Newsom that's been researching recreational marijuana in California for the past year and a half released its first progress reportand announced it will begin seeking feedback from the community.

"California has a very mature marijuana industry and it's just not regulated," Newsom told The Huffington Post by phone after the report was released. "We're the worst of all worlds. This report bears out the fact that we haven't answered a lot of questions."

California in 1996 became the first state to legalize medical cannabis. In 2010, voters narrowly rejected the country's first recreational marijuana measure. Since then, four states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational pot, and a poll released this week shows 55 percent of Californians support full-scale legalization in their state.

Newsom told HuffPost that he's confident that recreational marijuana will find its way onto California's 2016 ballot and that voters will pass it. "We can't be ideological," he said. "This is serious and has to be taken seriously."

The commission, which includes professors, policymakers, current and former law enforcement officers and individuals who worked on recreational pot legislation in Colorado and Washington, outlined three key issues to which it intends to dedicate its next phase of research: taxation, public safety and protecting children from easy access. Newsom added that the group will also continue to explore a number of other important considerations, including how to appropriately test and label the product, and how growing operations can minimize their environmental impact.

Taxes are a particularly delicate issue, he explained. As the commission's report noted, high taxes "can result in greater state and local revenue, increasing the revenue available to do the work of government." But the report also adds that "with a high tax, both sellers and buyers may opt out of the legal market in order to avoid paying the tax and continue to access marijuana through the illicit market."

Colorado, which introduced its recreational program last year, could be an example of this: It brought in roughly $17 million less tax revenue than originally expected, and economists suggest that may be due to the price.


California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom.

Ultimately, Newsom says the commission will establish a clear set of recommendations that will apply to any legalization measure that gets on the 2016 ballot. Currently, a handful of groups are exploring crafting their own bills, but Newsom hopes advocates will eventually come together around one strong piece of legislation.

"Every few weeks I hear about another group that's looking at this," he said. "We're meeting with folks. We've got to be very careful with whatever language we get on the ballot. That's why we're doing this report."

One of the reasons experts say Colorado was able to successfully pass recreational laws before California is because California never established a clear set of statewide medical marijuana regulations. As a result, cities were left to establish their own rules around medical pot, which helped reinforce the black market and left dispensaries vulnerable to federal prosecution. Colorado, on the other hand, did have statewide regulations governing their medical programs before their recreational laws were introduced.

California lawmakers have repeatedly introduced bills that would create a clear set of medical marijuana rules for the entire state to adhere to, but the measures have failed each time. Late last year, two new pieces of regulation legislation came up, and Newsom says he wants the see the state pass some sort of framework before 2016. "We're hoping to have a hand in anything that happens this year and incorporate it [into our recreational efforts]," he said. "If nothing happens, it would be unfortunate."

Despite his push for regulations, Newsom supports a free market when it comes to deciding who should be able to enter into the marijuana business. A measure in Ohio came under fire this week for proposing allowing only 10 government-sanctioned organizations to produce and sell medical marijuana, which advocates said would inhibit small-scale entrepreneurs from getting involved and drive up prices.

"We don't want Big Tobacco to become Big Marijuana and lock out the smaller players," Newsom said. "I believe in competition. We lay this out in the report."

Now that the progress report has been released, Newsom and the commission will begin gathering feedback from the public. He plans to host at least three town halls across the state in the coming months that will help inform the final report, due to be released in August.

In the meantime, he hopes other state lawmakers, including his fellow Democrats, will become more vocal on the issue. California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), for example,famously announced his opposition to legal marijuana on "Meet the Press" last year, asking, "How many people can get stoned and still have a great state?"

While Newsom is confident Brown would support a recreational measure in 2016 should voters pass one, he says it's time for political leaders to accept the reality that public support for legal pot will only continue to grow, and instead work to help craft legislation that addresses their concerns. "It's incumbent on policymakers to get ahead of this," he said. "The public is ahead of them."
Here is a snippet from the above article:

Despite his push for regulations, Newsom supports a free market when it comes to deciding who should be able to enter into the marijuana business. A measure in Ohio came under fire this week for proposing allowing only 10 government-sanctioned organizations to produce and sell medical marijuana, which advocates said would inhibit small-scale entrepreneurs from getting involved and drive up prices.

"We don't want Big Tobacco to become Big Marijuana and lock out the smaller players," Newsom said. "I believe in competition. We lay this out in the report."
Hey root that guy sounds like he's got his crap together and seems like he's a real American wanting to see everyone that wants to get into this have the chance and that's really good

As long as they don't say ok if you're already doing it your in but if you want to get in pay up that's not what I elwant to see that's just severely going to limit things. However you'll always have people skirting the rules. And honestly once it becomes legal I don't see why it won't be sold like any other fruit or vegetable off a farm if yall get where I'm going with that

Technically with my last career I was supposed to be a part of the club if you will but I kept it small del in cash and trades and was able to have a good run for a bit and that's how this is going to end up as well once the fear of felonies and prison time are off the table that's going to be the best thing for it