Ok, I tried the slurry test but to be honest my technique must have been bad as all I did was make a bit mess and not get a good solid reading but had to clean my PH pen really good. BUT, I did feed her nutes and my PH was 6.8 in the water with nutes so I lowered it to 6.4 and in 48 hours I've noticed a large amount of leaves are starting to perk up. Not all, but probably 50% are uncurled and perky, although not standing up, more horizontal. So I think this is a pretty good sign. She should be dry enough to water again either tonight or tomorrow morning so I'll make sure my PH is 6.4 every time. Perhaps Bruce Banner likes things on the acidic side. I was wondering if I should try PH'ing to 6.3 even, see if that helps more.