Droopy Clawed leaves

Jan 14, 2021
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This is my second Bruce Banner auto I've grown, the first one was very temperamental but I got her to harvest which yielded 136G of good potent bud. This current plant has had droopy leaves that are clawed for a month now. New growth is happening, but new leaves don't stay green long they start to yellow.

Over two weeks ago I flushed her completely. PH was 5.4 PPM was 800. My water going in is about 6.5 and using Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro, Bloom. I feed them half recommended once a week. After the flush I let her dry out completely. And then when I started feeding her again she refuses to perk up. I let her dry out again and watered and nothing I do will make her perk up. She should be flowering right now as well but that's not happening. She's in a ProMix peat mix. If I don't fix her soon I don't think she's gonna survive. I think I'm done with this strain, every other strain I grow I get good results, but these Bruce Banner plants are a pain in the arse.

Look at her, bushy and a ton of tops to grow flower, but just sad. Internal leaves are dark green. aside from the yellow and clawing they aren't turning brown on the edges or anything. No spots.

This was the first Bruce Banner that gave me problems but did yield 130+G.


And here's a Critical Mass that I've been doing EVERYTHING the same as with Bruce Banner but she is wonderful, Bruce not so much. So what the heck, why such different results.

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Sadly bro I don't grow in soil but I feel you look to have a severe lockout but maybe @Arthur or @Mañ'O'Green may be of help . also different strains one can take some food others can't
PH going in is 7.4? What is the current medium pH?

The heavy curl makes my knee jerk towards pH issues.
PH going in is 7.4? What is the current medium pH?

The heavy curl makes my knee jerk towards pH issues.
I saw you were about pal so I tagged you your knowledge has helped me more times than I can count
PH going in is 7.4? What is the current medium pH?
My goodness, I was multi-tasking when I wrote that but now re-reading my number's were not correct. PH of flushed water was 5.4 and PH of water going in is 6.5. I also corrected it in my initial post.
My goodness, I was multi-tasking when I wrote that but now re-reading my number's were not correct. PH of flushed water was 5.4 and PH of water going in is 6.5. I also corrected it in my initial post.
That's a big difference! I'd still be curious as to your mediums pH. Peet can become acidic as it breaks down. Something is off, and its somewhere that can be different than the CM...

Do you mix the feed individually? Or all at once?
To me, the yellowing indicates shes feeding on her foliage, the severe curl still has me fishing in the pH pond.?
I used the same soil for both plants out of the same bag. I mix the Grow, Micro, Bloom in the same jug, 2ml each. I add each first and mix, then the second, mix, then third. And I literally do the same thing to both plants, however since Bruce has been like this I've been treating her a bit different and making sure she's dry dry before watering and making sure my water going in is between 6.2 to 6.5 max and I've dialed back her nutes cause I don't think it's helping to keep the nutes going in right now.

Critical Mass can't get enough. I feed her every second watering and she takes 6 liters every second day. And on day 2 she's dry dry. she's drinking it all up and looks great. But up until Bruce started curling up on me I treated the exactly the same. I also have a Gelato going at the same time that again, treating it the same. The only problem with her is that she was affected by a previous grow and had some fungus gnat eggs in her soil, so I hit her with some peroxide mix to kill the gnats and she didn't love that and her leaves became spotted the next two days. But other than that she's fine and flowering quite nicely right now.

I'm lost on this Bruce Banner strain. I love the final bud, good stuff, but it seems like a really moody strain.
The 5.4 out is concerning, that should mean that the "in pot" ph may be pretty low. Might do a soil pH test.

@Mañ'O'Green put up something I saw the other day on pH to run if using peet. That's a pretty large difference from in to out, I believe both outside the parameters he posted. Hopefully he's about and can peek in here.
I'm new, not many grows under my belt so living and learning, I thought the 5.4 out was ok. Anyone think I should flush again and try to balance things out from there?? She never did come back after the last flush a few weeks ago. How do I do a soil PH test? I just test water going in and then runoff. And I have a good PH tester, not a cheap $20 Amazon version.

I hope to save her cause she has more tops than my first Bruce Banner and the first one had a great yield. So this one would likely be more than 130G. But not if I lose her first.
I do a 1 to 1 slurry test. 1 part medium taken from halfway between plant and edge of bag. I usually go down a little bit, maybe an inch. About a shot glass full, not compacted. = amount of distilled or Ro water. Let set a couple minutes and test with your pH meter. Be gentle, the meter has a glass bulb!

Think of pH like earthquakes, they're on similar scales. A 6.0 and a 6.5 or a 5.5 are quite different animals.
Poking around online I seem to run across 2 thoughts,
one treat as soil. That means pH between 6.4 and 6.6. Feed and medium.
The other is that pro mix performs best between 6.0 and 6.2.