Drooping leaves

Definitely a root problem. Keep trying what mog has suggested, as something positive is now clearly happening
Definitely a root problem. Keep trying what mog has suggested, as something positive is now clearly happening
It seams to be better again today. I think I just had a massive salt build up. Was scared of over watering. They are in 7 and 5 galon pots..
It seams to be better again today. I think I just had a massive salt build up. Was scared of over watering. They are in 7 and 5 galon pots.. View attachment 1336554
You shouldn’t be worried about overwatering in coco. It’s practically impossible too do. It’s also quite easy for coco to dry out quickly, especially if you have a thirsty plant
You shouldn’t be worried about overwatering in coco. It’s practically impossible too do. It’s also quite easy for coco to dry out quickly, especially if you have a thirsty plant
I always used to weigh my pots. Definitely won't be doing that again
It's getting better each day. Feeding til run off twice a day. Starting to get abit fatter. Still haven't leaf stripped. Ph was low tonight but not too bad. 5.7 and 1010ppm