Drooping leaves

Jan 29, 2020
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Can't get these happy. Growing in coco. Nutrient pH feed at 5.8 to 6.0. 62% at around 21°c. Hasnt mattered if I've let the soil dry out or kept moist
What ppm or EC are you feeding? Could probably lower your humidity a little to since they are flowering. The grow I have going in coco is on day 39. Starting 2nd week of flower. I water 3 times a day to runoff. Feeding 800ppm (500 scale).
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I'm a hydro guy mainly, but looks to me like root problems or a VPD issue. I defer, of course, to those who actually know what they're talking about. HTH, IMHO, YMMV, etc.
What ppm or EC are you feeding? Could probably lower your humidity a little to since they are flowering. The grow I have going in coco is on day 39. Starting 2nd week of flower. I water 3 times a day to runoff. Feeding 800ppm (500 scale).
I'll feed it in the morning and see what my ppm is..
Can't get these happy. Growing in coco. Nutrient pH feed at 5.8 to 6.0. 62% at around 21°c. Hasnt mattered if I've let the soil dry out or kept moistView attachment 1335378
That does appear to be more than normal droop. How are you handling the 20% run-off you should be fertigating to everytime you fertigate? I see no pans to catch it? It needs to go to waste immediately without letting the pot sit in it. If you are not fertigating to 20% runoff in coco you are headed for a train wreck.

You say you let the pots dry out? Coco will become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. Roots there will die and re-wetting is difficult. You need to use a surfactant if this has happened. I use Yucca powder to prevent the problem ( I never have this problem).

Drooping is usually environmental - too hot, too dry or too wet the target is 68° night, 78° day with RH 40% to 60%.

If this link isn't allowed pls remove it @Mañ'O'Green
Lots of good information at coco for cannabis. I've followed there guides so far in my coco grow and only hiccups I've had was self inflicted, lol
They are a good resource for Coco Growers.