Dried up fan leaves during flowering-Remove?

Feb 15, 2021
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Hey all,

I have an Autoflower that is getting very close to being finished tomorrow is day 70 and she has been chunking up nicely. I could probably cut it down now but I am advising what many has said that if you think it's ready to wait another week or 2. My question is that there are a lot of dead fan leaves coming out of the top colas. When I say dead I don't mean yellowing they are brown and crumble into pieces when you touch them. I know they say not to remove leaves during flowering but these are very brittle and I figured it would be better to remove them since they crumble apart they are of no use to the plant. I can't imagine it stressing the plant out if they are falling apart at the touch but IDK. There are still yellow and green fan leaves all over the bottom 1/2 which I planned on leaving until I chop her down. So what do you all think, remove them or leave them.

Thanks and ppp.
Hello, so the folks who know have something to work with, please post up some pics of the whole plant and the area you are referring to with lights off.
Few other bits like what kind of light you have, how far away is it. Ec &ph, medium
Or there is an infirmary part that may get more traffic and there is a form in the sticky threads to fill in and keeps you right on the info needed.
On the bright side you are definitely smoking something!!
Hello, so the folks who know have something to work with, please post up some pics of the whole plant and the area you are referring to with lights off.
Few other bits like what kind of light you have, how far away is it. Ec &ph, medium
Or there is an infirmary part that may get more traffic and there is a form in the sticky threads to fill in and keeps you right on the info needed.
On the bright side you are definitely smoking something!!
Tent is an 8x8 that I keep open on 2 sides with it being vented to the outside of the house. There are 8 Autos in it going on day 65-70 depending on the plant. Temp 78-80F, RH 40%, lighting 4 LED SF-4000's 18"s from top colas it is not hot at all when I put my hand above the colas, fans for circulation, 7 gallon fabric pots using FFOF soil, PH 6.3-6.8 tap water.

Leave them. You're almost done no need messing with them now. Real question is why are they doing that? Looks like serious nute burn.
Leave them. You're almost done no need messing with them now. Real question is why are they doing that? Looks like serious nute burn.
Thanks for the reply. Because Ocean Forest soil is so hot the only thing I have added was top dressed with Dr Earth flower girl around week 5 and the last few weeks I have added Fox Farm Big Bloom once per week. They got bad nute burn from the beginning I believe due to the medium being so hot. Next run I am mixing it with Happy Frog and more Perlite since the seedlings didn't like it al all. Other than that it has just been PH'd water. With that said being my 1st grow I thought I did lots of reading but I know I made a lot of mistakes along the way during the 1st 1/2 of the grow but have been learning a lot.
Starting seeds in ocean forest can cause some problems...but i dont think its nute burn on these adult plants ... ocean forest isnt really hot at all and runs out of steam in a few weeks generally if you dont add some things... Looks more like u got a p deficiency in mid flower and was able to slow it down a bit with the bottled bloom feed maybe.. Ide leave them on the plant is probably using them to bulk up more. My 2 cents.
GL look good..
about finished.

One more thing, consider watering with organic unsulfured blackstrap molasses every 3rd watering at about 1tbsp a gallon and check your tap water for chlorine.. it can really mess with your soil life.
Starting seeds in ocean forest can cause some problems...but i dont think its nute burn on these adult plants ... ocean forest isnt really hot at all and runs out of steam in a few weeks generally if you dont add some things... Looks more like u got a p deficiency in mid flower and was able to slow it down a bit with the bottled bloom feed maybe.. Ide leave them on the plant is probably using them to bulk up more. My 2 cents.
GL look good..
about finished.

One more thing, consider watering with organic unsulfured blackstrap molasses every 3rd watering at about 1tbsp a gallon and check your tap water for chlorine.. it can really mess with your soil life.
Thanks for the advice. I do have chlorine in my tap water but distilled costs a lot to get and I don't have an RO system yet, maybe after this next run. I really don't have a way to make a bunch of water up and let it sit out to remove chlorine. Any ideas I'm all ears. For the next grow I will be using recharge every 7-10 days which has molasses in it so that should work right? I will also be using Myco Jordan and top dressing with Uprising Grow and Bloom. Any other recommendations please let me know.