DIY Dream Farm Report v3 LAG grow journal

I prefer using clay pebbles.
I got some pea or river gravel and used it o. The last round of little ones and it seems like it def helped. I also made a little bed of rocks just below the root riot cube this time to give it some extra drainage. I’ve used grow stones in the past. I have some clay pebbles on hand so I can throw those in too
I use perlite. Every 4 gallons of soil get one gallon of perlite .. and it's cheap as well
Past couple years I’ve fallen for the pebbles over all else. Can be rinsed and used again and for me they work great.
Past couple years I’ve fallen for the pebbles over all else. Can be rinsed and used again and for me they work great.

The downfall for me with the clay is the pH fluctuates pretty bad in dwc. Now I don’t know if it’ll be the same in soil or not. I think I am gonna pot up a few different ones. Basically one of each. One with perlite and civic, one with grow stones, one with hydroton and one with pea gravel.

I mean honestly all should work. Just to what degree, is what I am trying to find out.
perlite and coco coir
I am just wondering at what point does the pH start to need to be changed. Like at what point does it go from just soil(as far as pH) to hydro range?
I keep my soil 6.5 - 6.7
Yes I understand that. What I am asking is at which point by adding aeration does it become a “coco” or “hydro” grow. Like what is the tipping point of the ratio of say coco to soil?

Does it need to be 100% coco to use the lower pH or can it be 70/30 and still use the soil range?