Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

Pictures from today I also have a video but i have to post it yo YouTube and stuff first. Oh yeah and I'm going to have my macro lens on Tuesday so I should have some amazing close-up pictures very soon
Back in the 70's and 80's the jamaican lambsbread was killer but it took six months to grow . A lot of jamaicans grow quick easy hybrids now I seen that on Strain Hunters I do believe. But I smoked a shit load of the lambsbread back in the day WOW

Yeah, they call it the 'long-time' weed ... you shoulda tried the king's bread ... now that's a killer! :smoking:
They have 3 seasons in Jamaica .. 2 short and one long in the Winter .. and I use the term 'Winter' very loosely!

I'm growing one right now ... I think it's one of the hybrids you mentioned, thankfully!

From bagseed .. my little 'fun' grow this year. :biggrin:
For those that do not know the hubbaBubbasmellascope is back in stock. Mother when you read this just know that I already placed the order for 3 of them it's like 40 bucks. : )
Thanks for the heads up, just procured some myself.:d5:

Wish the AvT was also back in stock, oh well another order in a few weeks. And the illuminauto drop too.:face:

The addiction is real.
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