Indoor Drainage ...


Honey Hugger ...
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
I normally use an airpot bottom in a plastic pot for drainage ... about to plant a seed in a 4 gal plastic pot and I don't have my supply of airpot bottoms available ...

What do y'all use for drainage when using an ordinary plastic pot ... I was thinking about Styrofoam packing peanuts but I'm wondering if they might be treated w/ an anti-fungal which could kill a plant ... Any and all input will be appreciated ...

Thanks ... :d5:
if you have enough perlite in your mix of soil just make sure you have holes in the bottom and i put a few around the side at the bottom as well that should give you alot of drainage its all about the soil and perlite works well for getting water through i have used this many of times and never had a drainage problem
X2 for perlite. I line the bottom of my smart pots with it. How about the round coco coir mats they sell at garden centers? How about fishtank stones?Good luck. Hope this helps.
Also depending on the season, you can grab some irrigation stones from the garden section of Home Depot, they are heavier than perlite but many different grade/sizes and have less chance of washing out and depending on your mix. Just grab a screen at the end of your grow and you can Sift'em back out rinse em and have them again the next grow. Sustainability is a beautiful thing brudda :d5::greenthumb: