Dragon Meds DragonsBlood 4/20 Harvest Party w/ Stylez and robwars


Fresh Qwiso from today :smokebuds:
This is with 91%, it took 2 days to dry with no fan. The 99 usually takes a day but I also used to use a fan on it. Haven't done a 99 batch without a fan yet.

I also did another batch with some ABV for the first time. Still drying, curious to try it. I'll post some pics of it later.

Man I ran across this killer video set on Hash/oils n stuff.they were awesome.And talks a lot about solvents polar and non polar stuffs.Pretty awesome stuff ya'll got goin on.:group: best of luck brother Stylez! i hope it comes out beautiful.

Edit:gawd Im high er something.LOL!forgot its a dual thread.So your both doing a 4/20 hash run.thats badass fellas!!Looking freakin AWESOME!!!
That's killer, why do you say no fan at all? Do you think using the fan to blow at an angle is a bad idea, if so why? I'm always looking to improve my techniques and you're definitely a good person to help hone my talents. :smokebuds:

One day hash sounds excellent, just waiting that second day doing Qwiso kills me man, :lol:

Can't wait to hear how the ABV qwiso works out, I've always said when I get a vaporizer I was going to use my ABV in Qwiso because I'd rather cook with fresh trim/buds. :thumbs:
The fan can/will blow dust and other contaminants into your oil. I never noticed myself when I used a fan but better safe then sorry :D. The fan thing isn't that big of deal either way IMO.
We've got some sweet DragonsBloods coming down on 4/20 weekend :check:
Feel free to share your own Dragon related 4/20 activities in here buds :group::group::group::group:
sweet, so sweet bro. yum yum.

Here is my Dragons Blood with a few months cure,suffice to say its the shit.

Looks yummy Tang :smokebuds:
oh maaaaan frigin figures I cant see the pic this time.LOL! I bet it looks fantastic brother.Prolly smells n smokes even better too.shhweeeT! :thumbs:
Hey hey Rob:smokebuds: gonna start chopping:ama: the Blood down this afternoon. Will throw some shots up throughout the harvest.:dance:
My qwiso is not quite all evaporated, don't know if it will be ready today or not, still a thin layer of 91% that covers the bottom, still.:shrug:. Guess it needed to sit in a room with higher humidity or something:confused:

But shots will be posted of the harvest.:check: