Indoor Dragons

Super Stinky x Magic Dragon F1 hybrid... Mossy I hope you like it because if you do I would love to reverse a couple budded branches with my Colloidal Silver and Self her big full figured ass. :)

WOS Pakistan Valley Kush Ryder x Magic Dragon F1, Currently a work in progress.
Again @MOSSY, I have been lucky enough to find some of my old Thaipan x Purple Berry Kush f3 Hybrid and if everything works out right I'll have a few to start where I left off....
Nice job on that dragon and the bemor!! you need to giver her a bath..

"Bailers Booya"

I know man, I just washed it early this morning than the rain came and mud is just everywhere not counting the fucking cat that keeps climbing on
I love it though man, Garage kept with only 40,000 miles and it gets 25-35 mpg according to road conditions and speed...