Dragon Seeds 2021 Grow&show

AutoBobje update#7
Hey Guys,

Monday picture day :woohoo: :muahaha:
This sexy dragon is slipping into flowering as if it where a nightgown :dancer:
The tallest of the bunch and I think just as her girlfriend still not done stretching... :thumbsup:



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SOOTDAWG update#3
woof check in time
all 46 days since going swimming

Dragonaut Cookies auto

Sweet Lemon Fang autos....i culled off the 3 that were way lagging and runts.


Creme Brute Photoperiods
Hey Now,
Update time. Looking good, putting on weight. Nice sturdy main stem.

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Looking great amigrow! I’m still waiting on my current grow n show ladies to finish up so I can start my dragons! Figures everybody else that ran same strain I did went like 65-75 days and mine are at 86 and not finished yet! I mean mine are chin high but still making me lag ass on getting my dragon girls going!

Gotta do a total deep cleaning and sanitizing of the tent! Got too much dust in there to try cleaning it now with 2 plants in full bloom.... ASKING FOR TROUBLE THERE! Also gonna rearrange my bedroom so tents will fit a lot easier so gives me more room to move around! Plus got a light coming to product test so wanna start these from day 1 under it just for documentation sake since company sending a big ass 720w strip light! :yay:

Sorry Dragon Seeds but I’ll be joining party really soon! :d5:

edit* Also waiting on grassroots 10gal living soil pots but since the dragons are photoperiod I can start in cheapo plastic pots and transplant when big pots get here without any issues! :cooldance:
Current grow strong as usual!

I like the plan you've got for the upcoming plants, sounds ready for making monsters.
Dude if that comment was for me....Thank you lol:d5:.....Yeah grobro, I think a 1 ltr coco plug type thing, transplanted into coco/clay pebbles at around wk 4-5..and a step up in lights...hopefully get some interesting and good results.....Thanks dude...:pass::d5::headbang::headbang: