Dragon Seeds 2021 Grow&show

PlatinumGrows update#4
Day 38 now giving around 800-900 ppm no grow nutrients and she is still stretching. Not much trichome or aroma yet, but she has been stretching and some paling on lower leaves indicates she is still or maybe rather was still in the transition , and wanted a bit more Nitrogen. Perhaps I cut the grow nutes out of the program a bit early. Seems to have a very strong stretch at least doubling possibly tripling size and an average drinker but a heavy eater. She loves the nutes. Anyways I love this plant and genetics. It’s pretty marvelous in its structure I think cheers everyone and great job so far we all lookin pretty good :smokeout::cooldance:

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AutoBobje update#6
Day 38 now giving around 800-900 ppm no grow nutrients and she is still stretching. Not much trichome or aroma yet, but she has been stretching and some paling on lower leaves indicates she is still or maybe rather was still in the transition , and wanted a bit more Nitrogen. Perhaps I cut the grow nutes out of the program a bit early. Seems to have a very strong stretch at least doubling possibly tripling size and an average drinker but a heavy eater. She loves the nutes. Anyways I love this plant and genetics. It’s pretty marvelous in its structure I think cheers everyone and great job so far we all lookin pretty good :smokeout::cooldance:

View attachment 1324768
Lovely mate!!

Here is my dragon at day 39 as I forgot about Monday picture day :wall:


If you guys (or gals) like to see some Dragon p0rn, feel free to visit my grow diary.
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wwwillie update#5
Hey Now,
Update time. Gals looking good. Got their first feed tonight. They’re also under my new supplemental lights.
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@PlatinumGrows and @AutoBobje - You two both have some nice looking plants going on! That's strong work.
Thank you mate. You are doing a very good job yourself with your grow ;)
We're at day 42 for this beauty and she is switched over to the two-part MC Bloom Phase. I'll be checking her leaves the following days to see if it's not to hot for her...




Vapo #6 update
Hola fellow Dragons....my ladies are lookin sweeeet...I did an end of third week of bloom strip down on the ladies today, tightened a few ties and such, these will be the last snippings I do on these for a while...it's time to let them go.....up lol
PlatinumGrows update#5
Day 44 for the DragonFruit Auto here , and I’m excited because she finally gets her own tent and light now ! We have what appears to be wide spread trichome coverage coming pretty far down some of the leaves ! I am having to water this plant twice a day now, in the morning she gets 1 cup of plain water from the rez with fox farm big bloom. In the evening she gets 2-3 cups of the entire cutting edge solutions nutrients line up at full strength.


I have two different types of auto pollen on the way, I might decide to put some on one of these lower branches and make some of my own seeds but we will see im undecided right now cheers everyone
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