New Grower Dr Feelgood

Your like my son. He thinks he is cheering for the best team in the world Manchester City. I think it was too much acid when he was young. What is your excuse?

its where my ma decided to drop me into the world....Support your local team and all that....
I am middle class and have no problem with that but can't stand snobbery inverted or otherwise, I take friendship where I find it, whatever social spectrum that person is from.
I've never played or watched league but I have been told that it's actually a better sport than union
Are you upset with me Dopey. Did I say something that ticked you off. If I did I am sorry and apologise. We Canadians have a wierd snece of humor and don't realise it is offensive sometimes.

I am middle class and have no problem with that but can't stand snobbery inverted or otherwise, I take friendship where I find it, whatever social spectrum that person is from.
I've never played or watched league but I have been told that it's actually a better sport than union
it was more my dig at rugby union i think....Jim, if you did take my sarcastic dig the wrong way, never take generalisations to heart mate :peace:
Maybe he is like me. I suffer from SADS and these short days depress me. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I grow pot just to be under the lights which seems to help a lot. One of the symptoms is a sensitivity to what I percieve as nagativity aimed at me. It always rubs me the wrong way and I just can't let it go even when I know I am being supersensitive from the SADS.

it was more my dig at rugby union i think....Jim, if you did take my sarcastic dig the wrong way, never take generalisations to heart mate :peace:
Guys, Guys my post must have come across more harsh than I meant, I'm one of those people who are really hard to offend and there's nothing that you guys have said that has offended me.
I'm also straight up so if you had offended me you'd know about it. lol.
I'm the one who should be apologising because I should have put a "lol" or something to let you know that what I said wasn't as defensive as it's come across.
Nelson I went out with a canadian chick (from Toronto) and sometimes her sense of humour left me standing and I'm pretty bizarre so I know what a great sense of humour the canadians have.
ANCB sorry mate I thought the tone of my post about union and league was conciliatory but I gues not, many apologies.
Phew! I thought I'd lost some mates there, this is the problem with remote communication, if we were all shring a joint I'm sure we'd be laughing our arses off!
The only sport I ever played seriously was basketball, but that was way back in the days ... Nowadays I'm satisfied with pool, chess and perhaps some boule (that french ball game) during summertime. These three games easily fits any stoner's lifestyle =)

Rugby? I thought that was only played at the southern hemisphere.
you go for it my friend! I like a challenge.
The only person I've ever known who can wind me up is my missus.
I'm sure there are plenty of other British people out there who have mates that are quite happy to slap them down if they get above themselves so I've developed a very thick skin over the years, that and working in mental health for a decade where I've been sworn at, spat at, assaulted etc makes you not take yourself too seriously.